www.gusucode.com > signal 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > signal/ProbabilityOfDetectionAndExponentialExample.m

    %% False-Alarm Probabilities
% Generate 100 samples of a sinusoidal signal at a sample rate of 1 Hz.
% Specify an amplitude of 0.75 and a frequency of
% $0.6/2\pi\approx0.096\;\rm Hz$. Embed the signal in white noise of
% variance 0.902. Reset the random number generator for repeatable results.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

rng default

X0 = 0.75;
f0 = 0.6;
vr = 0.902;

Nsamp = 100;
t = 1:Nsamp;
X = X0*cos(f0*(1:Nsamp))+randn(1,Nsamp)*sqrt(vr);

% Discard 10% of the samples at random. Plot the signal.

X(randperm(Nsamp,Nsamp/10)) = NaN;


% Compute and plot the normalized power spectrum. Annotate the levels that
% correspond to false-alarm probabilities of 50%, 10%, 1%, and 0.01%. If
% you generate many 90-sample white noise signals with variance 0.902, then
% half of them have one or more peaks higher than the 50% line, 10% have
% one or more peaks higher than the 10% line, and so on.

Pfa = [50 10 1 0.01]/100;
Pd = 1-Pfa;

[pxx,f,pth] = plomb(X,1:Nsamp,'normalized','Pd',Pd);

text(0.3*[1 1 1 1],pth-.5,[repmat('P_{fa} = ',[4 1]) num2str(Pfa')])

% In this case, the peak is high enough that only about 0.01% of the
% possible signals can attain it.
% Use |plomb| with no output arguments to repeat the calculation. The plot
% is now logarithmic, and the levels are drawn in terms of detection
% probabilities.
