www.gusucode.com > signal 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > signal/RemoveSpikesFromASignalExample.m

    %% Remove Spikes from a Signal
% Sometimes data exhibit unwanted transients, or spikes. Median filtering
% is a natural way to eliminate them.

% Consider the open-loop voltage across the input of an analog instrument
% in the presence of 60 Hz power-line noise. The sampling rate is 1 kHz.

load openloop60hertz

fs = 1000;
t = (0:numel(openLoopVoltage) - 1)/fs;

% Corrupt the signal by adding transients with random signs at random
% points. Reset the random number generator for reproducibility.

rng default

spikeSignal = zeros(size(openLoopVoltage));
spks = 10:100:1990;
spikeSignal(spks+round(2*randn(size(spks)))) = sign(randn(size(spks)));

noisyLoopVoltage = openLoopVoltage + spikeSignal;


xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Voltage (V)')
title('Open-Loop Voltage with Added Spikes')
yax = ylim;

% The function |medfilt1| replaces every point of a signal by the median of
% that point and a specified number of neighboring points. Accordingly,
% median filtering discards points that differ considerably from their
% surroundings. Filter the signal, using sets of three neighboring points
% to compute the medians. Note how the spikes vanish.

medfiltLoopVoltage = medfilt1(noisyLoopVoltage,3);


xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Voltage (V)')
title('Open-Loop Voltage After Median Filtering')