www.gusucode.com > signal 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > signal/SpectrogramReassignmentAndThresholdingExample.m

    %% Spectrogram Reassignment and Thresholding
% Generate a signal sampled at 1024 Hz for 2 seconds.


nSamp = 2048;
Fs = 1024;
t = (0:nSamp-1)'/Fs;

% During the first second, the signal consists of a 400 Hz sinusoid and a
% concave quadratic chirp. Specify the chirp so that it is symmetric about
% the interval midpoint, starting and ending at a frequency of 250 Hz and
% attaining a minimum of 150 Hz.

t1 = t(1:nSamp/2);

x11 = sin(2*pi*400*t1);
x12 = chirp(t1-t1(nSamp/4),150,nSamp/Fs,1750,'quadratic');
x1 = x11+x12;

% The rest of the signal consists of two linear chirps of decreasing
% frequency. One chirp has an initial frequency of 250 Hz that decreases to
% 100 Hz. The other chirp has an initial frequency of 400 Hz that decreases
% to 250 Hz.

t2 = t(nSamp/2+1:nSamp);

x21 = chirp(t2,400,nSamp/Fs,100);
x22 = chirp(t2,550,nSamp/Fs,250);
x2 = x21+x22;

% Add white Gaussian noise to the signal. Specify a signal-to-noise ratio
% of 20 dB. Reset the random number generator for reproducible results.

SNR = 20;

sig = [x1;x2];
sig = sig + randn(size(sig))*std(sig)/db2mag(SNR);

% Compute and plot the spectrogram of the signal. Specify a Kaiser window
% of length 63 with a shape parameter $\beta=17$, 10 fewer samples of
% overlap between adjoining sections, and an FFT length of 256.

nwin = 63;
wind = kaiser(nwin,17);
nlap = nwin-10;
nfft = 256;


% Threshold the spectrogram so that any elements with values smaller than
% the SNR are set to zero.


% Reassign each PSD estimate to the location of its center of energy.


% Threshold the reassigned spectrogram so that any elements with values
% smaller than the SNR are set to zero.
