www.gusucode.com > signal 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > signal/helperHarmonicDistortionAmplifier.m

    function outputVoltage = helperHarmonicDistortionAmplifier(inputVoltage)
%helperHarmonicDistortionADC Helper function for HarmonicDistortionExample.m

% Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

% model parameters
noiseVrms = 0.4e-6;  % RMS voltage of input noisefloor

% polynomial coefficients
a0 = 25e-3;  % dc bias (25mV)
a1 = 1;      % voltage gain
a2 = 6e-5;   % second order term
a3 = -1e-3;  % third order term
a4 = 5e-6;   % fourth order term
a5 = 1e-5;   % fifth order term

% polyval function has constant term at the end.
polyCoeff = [a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0];

% get number of input samples
n = numel(inputVoltage);

% add noise at input
inputNoise = noiseVrms*randn(1,n);
distortedInput = inputVoltage + inputNoise;

% adjust input by DC bias, voltage gain and higher order terms
outputVoltage = polyval(polyCoeff, distortedInput);