www.gusucode.com > simbio 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simbio/SpecifyAListOfSpeciesToBeLoggedDuringSimulationExample.m

    %% Specify a List of Species to be Logged During Simulation
% Load the Lotka-Volterra Model.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

sbioloadproject lotka;
% Get the configset object of the lotka model |m1|.
configset = getconfigset(m1);
% Display the list of species whose data are logged by default during
% the simulation.
% Suppose you want to log just species |y1| and |y2| data. You can specify
% their names as a cell array of strings and set it to |StatesToLog|
% property.
configset.RuntimeOptions.StatesToLog = {'y1','y2'};

% Confirm the setting.
% Alternatively, you can specify an array of species objects (instead of
% strings) to |StatesToLog| property.
y1 = m1.Species(2);
y2 = m1.Species(3);
configset.RuntimeOptions.StatesToLog = [y1, y2];

% Simulate and plot the results. Notice that simulation
% results of only |y1| and |y2| are plotted.

% To reset to the default list, set |StatesToLog| to a string |'all'|.
configset.RuntimeOptions.StatesToLog = 'all';

% Simulate again. Notice all the species data are plotted.
% Do not specify |'all'| as a cell string such as |{'all'}|. If so,
% SimBiology interprets it as a species named |all|.