www.gusucode.com > simbio 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simbio/ensemblerun_data_analysis.m

    %% Analysis of Stochastic Ensemble Data in SimBiology(R)
% This example shows how to make ensemble runs and how to analyze the
% generated data in SimBiology(R).
% Copyright 2004-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Introduction
% When the behavior of a model is stochastic in nature, a single simulation
% run does not provide enough insight into the model. One has to perform an
% ensemble of runs. Ensemble runs produce large amounts of data that
% require systematic analysis.
% This example illustrates how to make ensemble runs using SimBiology and
% how to analyze the generated data.

%% Load Model
% We will use the G Protein model that was built using published data from
% Yi et al. (2003). Load the wild-type G Protein model and look at its
% species and reactions.
sbioloadproject gprotein_norules m1

%% Perform Ensemble Runs
% Ensemble runs can be done only if you are using stochastic solvers. With
% deterministic solvers, it does not make sense to do ensemble runs since
% you will always get exactly identical results.  Due to stochasticity,
% the sample plots on this page might not exactly match the plots you get
% from running this example yourself.

% Change the solver type to SSA and perform 10 runs of the model. To
% speed up the simulation, let's log only every 100th reaction event.
numRuns = 10;
configsetObj = getconfigset(m1,'active');
configsetObj.SolverType = 'ssa';
configsetObj.SolverOptions.LogDecimation = 100;
simdata = sbioensemblerun(m1, numRuns);

%% Plot of Raw Data 
% Plot the raw data corresponding to the species named G, Ga and RL and 
% annotate the plot appropriately.
speciesNames = {'G', 'Ga', 'RL'};
[t, x] = selectbyname(simdata, speciesNames);
hold on;
for i = 1:numRuns
    plot(t{i}, x{i});

grid on;
xlabel('Time in seconds');
ylabel('Species amount');
title('Raw Ensemble Data');

%% Ensemble Statistics
% Let's compute ensemble statistics for these species.
[timeVals, meanVals, varianceVals] = sbioensemblestats(simdata, speciesNames);

% Let's plot the mean and standard deviation as a function of time.
plot(timeVals, meanVals);
grid on;
xlabel('Time in seconds');
title('Variation of Mean');
legend(speciesNames, 'Location', 'NorthEastOutside');

plot(timeVals, sqrt(varianceVals));
grid on;
xlabel('Time in seconds');
ylabel('Standard Deviation');
title('Variation of Standard Deviation');
legend(speciesNames, 'Location', 'NorthEastOutside');

% From these plots it appears that G and Ga have exactly identical standard
% deviations, though the variation of their means is different. Let's see
% if we can find out why that is so. The first step would be to figure out
% if there is any relationship between them. Let's look at the reactions in
% the model once again to see if anything is obvious.

%% Moiety Conservation
% From the reactions, the relationship between G and Ga is not quite clear.
% To analyze further we are going to use |sbioconsmoiety| to see if
% there is any moiety conservation.
sbioconsmoiety(m1, 'semipos', 'p')

% From this we can see that 'G + Gd + Ga' is always conserved. But that
% does not completely explain why the variances of G and Ga are identical.
% What about Gd? Why doesn't its variance affect G or Ga? To look into it
% further, let's compute the ensemble statistics for Gd and plot their
% variation.
[timeValsGd, meanValsGd, varianceValsGd] = sbioensemblestats(simdata, 'Gd');
plot(timeValsGd, meanValsGd, '-', ...
    timeValsGd, sqrt(varianceValsGd), 'r:');
axis([-50 600 -500 3000]);
xlabel('Time in seconds');
title('Mean and Standard Deviation of Gd');
legend('Mean', 'Standard Deviation')

%% Explanation of Identical Variances
% From the plot, it can be seen that Gd starts out with a non-zero value at
% time = 0, but both its mean and variance approach zero very sharply and
% stay there. Thus, when Gd stays near zero, the moiety conservation
% equation reduces to
% $$G + Ga \approx constant$$
% This means as G goes up Ga goes down by an equal amount and vice versa.
% This explains why the variances of G and Ga are almost identical. If you
% look at the data in matrix varianceVals, you'll see that the two
% variances are very close but not exactly equal. This is due to the
% presence of Gd which is very close to zero but not exactly zero.

%% Ensemble Plots: 2D Distribution Plots
% One way to visualize stochastic ensemble data is to plot histograms of
% species concentrations at particular time points. Each histogram shows
% the distribution of concentrations for a particular species over the
% entire ensemble of runs. These histograms may be generated using the
% SimBiology command |sbioensembleplot|.
% Let's create histograms for the species G, Ga, and RL at time t = 10.
% Note that in this example, we generated the ensemble data without
% specifying an interpolation option for |sbioensemblerun|. The time
% vectors for each run within the ensemble are therefore different from
% each other. |sbioensembleplot| interpolates the simulation data to find
% species amounts for every run at the precise time t = 10.
sbioensembleplot(simdata, speciesNames, 10);

%% Ensemble Plots: 3D Mountain Plots
% It is clear that to get a full understanding of how the distribution
% changes with time, you will need to make these distribution plots at
% every time interval of interest. Moreover, the distribution plots need to
% be seen along with the mean and variance plots. It would be nice to put
% all of this information together in just one plot. 
% Well, the 3D ensemble data plots do exactly that. With these 3D plots you
% can view how mean and variance change as a function of time. In addition,
% instead of having to plot the distribution of species at every possible
% time step, in one view you can see how a fitted normal distribution, with
% the same mean and variance as the actual data, changes with time. The 3D
% ensemble plot is excellent for getting an overview of how mean, variance
% and distribution vary as a function of time.
% Let's see a 3D ensemble plot of species Ga.
sbioensembleplot(simdata, 'Ga');

% This example showed how stochastic ensemble data of SimBiology models can
% be analyzed using various tools in SimBiology.