www.gusucode.com > simulink 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simulink/SweepParameterValueAndInspectResultsExample.m

    %% Sweep Parameter Value and Inspect Simulation Results
% This example shows how to change a block parameter value between multiple
% programmatic 
% simulation runs. Use this technique to determine an optimal parameter
% value by comparing the output signal data of each run.
% The example model |sldemo_absbrake| uses a Constant block to specify a
% slip setpoint for an anti-lock braking system. Simulate the model with
% two different slip setpoint values, 0.24 and 0.25, and compare the output wheel speed of each
% simulation run.  
% To store the setpoint value, create a
% |Simulink.Parameter| object in the base workspace. This technique enables
% you to change the value with fewer lines of more readable code.
% Open the example model.
% The signals |yout| (which is a virtual bus) and |slp| are configured for logging. When you
% simulate the model, you can collect and later inspect the values of
% these signals by using the Simulation Data Inspector.
% In the block dialog box of the Constant block labeled |Desired relative
% slip|, set *Constant value* to |relSlip| and click *Apply*.
% Right-click |relSlip| and select *Create Variable*.
% In the Create New Data dialog box, set *Value* to
% |Simulink.Parameter(0.2)| and click *Create*. A |Simulink.Parameter|
% object, which stores the parameter value 0.2, appears in the base workspace.
% You can use these commands at the command prompt to create the object and configure the block:
relSlip = Simulink.Parameter(0.2);
set_param('sldemo_absbrake/Desired relative slip','Value','relSlip')
% In the |relSlip| property dialog box, click *OK*.
% At the command prompt, configure the model to stream the logged signals to the Simulation Data Inspector.
% Create an array to store the two experimentation values for the relative
% slip setpoint, |0.24| and |0.25|.
relSlip_vals = [0.24 0.25];
% Loop through the experimentation values by setting the value of |relSlip|
% to each of the values stored in |relSlip_vals|. Use the |sim| function to
% simulate the model after setting the value of |relSlip|.
for i = 1:length(relSlip_vals)
    relSlip.Value = relSlip_vals(i);
% The model streams the logged signals, |yout| and
% |slp|, to the Simulation Data Inspector. You can view the signal data
% in the Simulation Data Inspector.
% Compare the output data of the two latest simulation runs.
runIDs = Simulink.sdi.getAllRunIDs();
runResult = Simulink.sdi.compareRuns(runIDs(end-1), runIDs(end));
% Plot the difference between the values of the |Ww| signal (which is an
% element of the virtual bus signal |yout|) by specifying the result index |1|.
signalResult = getResultByIndex(runResult,1);