www.gusucode.com > simulinkcoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simulinkcoder/AddrableSignalsStatesAndParamsExample.m

    %% Access Signal, State, and Parameter Data During Execution
% As you iteratively develop a model, you capture output signal and
% state data that model execution generates. You also
% tune parameter values during execution to observe the effect on the outputs. You can then base 
% your design decisions upon analysis of these outputs. To access this signal, state, and
% parameter data in a rapid prototyping environment, you can configure the generated code to store the data in
% addressable memory. 
% By default, optimization settings make the generated code more efficient
% by eliminating unnecessary signal storage and inlining the numeric values of
% block parameters. To generate code that instead allocates addressable memory
% for this data, you can disable the optimizations or specify code
% generation settings for individual data items. 
%% Explore Example Model
% Open the example model <matlab:rtwdemo_basicsc |rtwdemo_basicsc|>.
% The model loads numeric MATLAB variables, such as |K1|, into the base
% workspace.
% In the model, open the block dialog box for the Gain block labeled |Gain|.
% The block uses the variable |K1| to set the value of the *Gain*
% parameter.
%% Disable Optimizations
% In the model, clear the model configuration parameter *Signal
% storage reuse*. When you clear this optimization and other optimizations such as
% *Eliminate superfluous local variables (expression folding)*, the
% generated code allocates memory for signal lines. Clearing
% *Signal storage reuse* disables most of the other optimizations.
% Set the optimization *Configuration Parameters > Optimization > Signals
% and Parameters > Default parameter behavior* to |Tunable|. When set to |Tunable|, this
% configuration parameter causes the generated code to
% allocate memory for block parameters and workspace variables.
% Generate code from the model.
% In the code generation report, view the file |rtwdemo_basicsc.h|. This
% header file defines a structure type that contains signal data. The
% structure contains fields that each represent a signal line in the model.
% For example, the output signal of the Gain block labeled
% |Gain| appears as the field |Gain|.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_basicsc_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_basicsc.h');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Block signals (auto storage) */',...
% The file defines a structure type that contains block parameter data. The
% MATLAB variable |K1| appears as a field of the structure. The other
% fields of the structure represent other block parameters and workspace
% variables from the model, including initial conditions for signals.
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Parameters (auto storage) */',...
    '/* Real-time Model Data Structure */',1,0)
% View the file |rtwdemo_basicsc_data.c|. This source file allocates global memory
% for a parameter structure and initializes the field values based on the
% parameter values in the model.
% View the source file |rtwdemo_basicsc.c|.
% The code allocates global memory for a structure variable that
% contains signal data.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_basicsc_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_basicsc.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Block signals (auto storage) */',...
    'B_rtwdemo_basicsc_T rtwdemo_basicsc_B;',1,1)
% The code algorithm in the model |step| function calculates the signal
% values. It then assigns these values to the fields of the signal structure. To
% perform the calculations, the algorithm uses the parameter values from
% the fields of the parameter structure.
%% Exclude Data Items from Optimizations
% When you want to select code generation optimizations such as *Signal storage reuse*,
% you can preserve individual data items from the optimizations. The generated
% code then
% allocates addressable memory for the items.
% Select the optimizations that you previously cleared.
% Right-click the output of the Gain block labeled |Gain| and
% select *Properties*. In the Signal Properties dialog box, select *Test
% point*.
portHandle = get_param('rtwdemo_basicsc/Gain','PortHandles');
portHandle = portHandle.Outport;
% Convert the MATLAB variable |K1| to a |Simulink.Parameter| object.
% With parameter objects, you can create addressable parameters to
% tune during execution of the generated code.
K1 = Simulink.Parameter(K1);
% Apply a storage class other than |Auto| to the parameter object |K1|.
% For example, use the storage class |SimulinkGlobal| to represent the
% parameter object as a field of the global parameter structure.
K1.StorageClass = 'SimulinkGlobal';
% Generate code from the model.
% In the code generation report, view the file |rtwdemo_basicsc.h|. The
% structure that contains signal data now defines only one field, |Gain|,
% which represents the test-pointed output of the Gain block.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_basicsc_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_basicsc.h');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Block signals (auto storage) */',...
% The structure that contains block parameter data defines one field, |K1|,
% which represents the parameter object |K1|.
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Parameters (auto storage) */',...
    '/* Real-time Model Data Structure */',1,0)
%% Access Data Through Generated Interfaces
% You can configure the generated code to contain extra code and files so
% that
% you can access model data through standardized interfaces. For example,
% use the C API to log signal data and tune parameters during execution.
% Copy this custom source code into a file named |myHandCode.c| in your current
% folder.
% <include>myHandCode.c</include>
% Copy this custom header code into a file named |myHandHdr.h| in your
% current folder.
% <include>myHandHdr.h</include>
% These files use the C API to access signal and parameter data in the code
% that you generate from the example model.
% In the model, set *Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Custom
% Code > Insert custom C code in generated > Header file* to |#include
% "myHandHdr.h"|. In the same pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog
% box, set *Additional Build Information > Source files* to |myHandCode.c|.
set_param('rtwdemo_basicsc','CustomHeaderCode','#include "myHandHdr.h"')
% Select *Configuration Parameters > All Parameters > MAT-file Logging*. The generated executable runs only until the
% simulation stop time (which you set in the model configuration
% parameters).
% Select all of the options under *Configuration Parameters > Code
% Generation > Interface > Generate C API for*.
% Load the Custom Code block library.
% Add a System Outputs block to the model.
add_block('custcode/System Outputs','rtwdemo_basicsc/System Outputs')
% In the System Outputs block dialog box, set *System Outputs Function
% Execution Code* to this custom code:
%  {
%  rtwdemo_basicsc_U.input2++;
%  rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = &(rtmGetDataMapInfo(rtwdemo_basicsc_M).mmi);
%  tuneFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(rtwdemo_basicsc_M));
%  }
% In the block dialog box, set *System Outputs Function Exit Code* to this custom code:
%  {
%  rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = &(rtmGetDataMapInfo(rtwdemo_basicsc_M).mmi);
%  logFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(rtwdemo_basicsc_M));
%  }
% Alternatively, to configure the System Outputs block, at the command prompt, use these commands:
temp.TLCFile = 'custcode';
temp.Location = 'System Outputs Function';
temp.Middle = sprintf(['{\nrtwdemo_basicsc_U.input2++;'...
    '\nrtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = '...
    '\ntuneFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(rtwdemo_basicsc_M));\n}']);
temp.Bottom = sprintf(['{\nrtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = '...
    '\nlogFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(rtwdemo_basicsc_M));\n}']);
set_param('rtwdemo_basicsc/System Outputs','RTWdata',temp)
% Generate code from the model.
% In the code generation report, view the interface file
% |rtwdemo_basicsc_capi.c|. This file initializes the arrays of structures
% that you can use
% to interact with data items through the C API. For example, in the array of structures |rtBlockSignals|, the first
% structure (index 0) describes
% the test-pointed output signal of the Gain block in the model.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_basicsc_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_basicsc_capi.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Block output signal information */',...
    '/* Individual block tuning',1,0)
% The fields
% of the structure, such as |addrMapIndex|, indicate indices into other
% arrays of structures, such as |rtDataAddrMap|, that describe the
% characteristics of the signal. These characteristics include the address
% of the signal data (a pointer to the data), the numeric data type, and the dimensions of the signal.
% In the file |rtwdemo_basicsc.c|, view
% the code algorithm in the model |step| function. The algorithm first
% executes the custom code that you specified in the System Outputs block.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_basicsc_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_basicsc.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* user code (Output function Body) */',...
    '/* DataStoreWrite: ''<Root>/DSWrite'' incorporates:',1,0)
% This custom code first perturbs the input signal |input2| by incrementing
% the value of the signal each time the |step| function executes. The code
% then uses the built-in macro |rtmGetDataMapInfo| to extract model mapping
% information from the model data structure |rtwdemo_basicsc_M|. The
% pointer |MMI| points to the extracted mapping information, which allows the
% custom functions |tuneFcn| and |logFcn| to access the information contained in the arrays of
% structures that the C API file |rtwdemo_basicsc_capi.c| defines.
% View the custom function |tuneFcn| in the file |myHandCode.c|. This
% function uses the C API (through the model mapping information |mmi|) and
% a pointer to the simulation time to print the value of the parameter |K1|
% at specific times during code execution. When the simulation time
% reaches 5 seconds, the function changes the parameter value in memory. By
% using a |switch case| block, the function can access the parameter data
% whether the data type is |int8| or |double|.
% View the code algorithm in the model |step| function again. Near the end
% of the function, the algorithm executes the custom code that you
% specified in the System Outputs block. This code calls the custom
% function |logFcn|.
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* user code (Output function Trailer) */',...
    '/* Matfile logging */',1,0)
% View the custom function |logFcn| in the file |myHandCode.c|. The
% function uses the C API to print the value of the test-pointed signal.
% The function can access the signal data whether the data
% type is |single| or |double|.
% At the command prompt, run the generated executable
% |rtwdemo_bascisc.exe|.
%   system('rtwdemo_basicsc')
% The parameter and signal values appear in the Command Window output. 
% For more information about data interfaces, including the C API, see
% <docid:rtw_doccenter.bu38el2-1>.