www.gusucode.com > simulinkcoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simulinkcoder/BuildingModelsFromTheDOSWindowCommandLineExample.m

    %% Build Models from a Windows Command Prompt Window
% This example shows how to build models by using a batch file, entering commands at the Command Prompt in Windows.
%% About MATLAB Command-Line (Start Up) Arguments
% When you start MATLAB from a Command Prompt in Windows (as done in a batch file), you can control MATLAB start up with a number of command-line arguments. 
% For a description of these command-line arguments, in the Command Prompt window, type |matlab -help|.
% To start MATLAB from a Command Prompt window, use these steps:
% # From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window. 
% # Change folders to |$MATLABROOT\bin|. |$MATLABROOT| is the MATLAB root folder.
% # In the Command Prompt window, type: |matlab|
% *Tip:* To display the path to the MATLAB root folder, at the MATLAB command prompt
% type: |matlabroot|.
%% Run MATLAB with a Batch File 
% When you run MATLAB with a batch file, you can:
% * Control MATLAB start up with command-line arguments
% * Run a series of operating system commands (such as source control checkout/commit)
% * Run a series of MATLAB scripts
% A batch approach also lets you automate your overall build process. Such a process can generate
% code from one or more Simulink models, then use your makefile to compile custom code and generated code. 
% This batch file sets the |MATLABROOT| environment variable, sets the |PATH| environment variable to include |MATLABROOT|, and starts MATLAB with an input script argument |%1| and a logfile argument.
% *Note:* Customize the |MATLABROOT| value in the batch file to match your system. The batch file assumes that a |c:\temp| folder exists on your system.
% *Create a batch file named |mat.bat|*
%  SET MATLABROOT="C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b"
%  START matlab.exe -r %1 -logfile c:\temp\logfile
% *Create a MATLAB script |myFilesToBuild.m|*
%  my_rtwdemo_counter_builder
%  my_rtwdemo_rtwintro_builder
%  exit
% *Create a MATLAB script |my_rtwdemo_counter_builder.m|*
%  open_system('rtwdemo_counter');
%  save_system('rtwdemo_counter','my_rtwdemo_counter')
%  rtwbuild('my_rtwdemo_counter');
%  close_system('my_rtwdemo_counter');
% *Create a MATLAB script |my_rtwdemo_rtwintro_builder.m|*
%  open_system('rtwdemo_rtwintro');
%  save_system('rtwdemo_rtwintro','my_rtwdemo_rtwintro')
%  rtwbuild('my_rtwdemo_rtwintro');
%  close_system('my_rtwdemo_rtwintro');
% *Run the batch file*
% From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window, change folders to the folder containing the batch
% file, and type:
%  mat myFilesToBuild
% When you run the batch file with the input MATLAB script, the batch file
% runs MATLAB and loads, builds, and closes each of the example Simulink
% models.
% *Observe the log of MATLAB operations*
% After the batch file runs, view the |c:\temp\logfile| file.
% *Tip:* Omitting the semicolon (;) from the |rtwbuild| line in each script provides more build information in the log file.
%% Optimize Your Batch File
% Use the MATLAB command-line arguments to optimize the batch file. Some
% options to consider include:
% * Suppress the MATLAB splash screen on startup with the |-nosplash| argument.
% * Suppress the MATLAB window when running with the |-nodesktop -minimize| arguments.
% * Provide command-line input to the input script or function selected with the |-r| argument.
% For example, you can call a function |myfile.m|, which accepts two arguments:
%  matlab -r myfile(arg1,arg2)
% To pass numeric values into |myfile.m|, replace |arg1| and |arg2| with numeric values. 
% To pass string or character values into |myfile.m|, replace |arg1| and |arg2| with the string or character values surrounded in single quotes. 
% For example, to pass the string values |hello| and |world| into |myfile.m|, in the Command Prompt window, type:
%  matlab -r myfile('hello','world')