www.gusucode.com > simulinkcoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simulinkcoder/ControlDataTypesOfTunableParametersExample.m

    %% Control Data Types of Tunable Parameters
% This example illustrates the options that are available for controlling the data type of
% tunable parameters in the code that is generated by Simulink Coder.
%% Open Example Model
% Open the example model |rtwdemo_paramdt|.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Instructions
% # Inspect the workspace variables and associated MATLAB program (double-click yellow blocks)
%     to see how the parameter data types have been specified.
% # Inspect the masked subsystem and its contents to see how they are used in the model.
% # Generate code by double-clicking the blue buttons above.
%     An HTML report is displayed automatically.
% # Inspect the generated source files and take note of:
% * The data types used in the parameter declarations/definitions
% * How the parameters are used in the code for the Gain and Saturation blocks