www.gusucode.com > simulinkcoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simulinkcoder/GenerateTunableInitialConditionStructExample.m

    %% Generate Tunable Initial Condition Structure for Bus Signal
% When you use a MATLAB(R) structure to specify initialization
% values for the signal elements in a bus, you can create a tunable global
% structure in the generated code.
% If you set *Configuration Parameters > Optimization > Signals and
% Parameters > Default parameter behavior* to |Tunable|, the initial
% condition appears as a tunable substructure of the global parameters
% structure.  
% Whether you set *Default parameter behavior* to |Tunable| or |Inlined|,
% you can specify the initial condition by using a tunable |Simulink.Parameter| object whose
% value is a structure. If you apply a storage class other than |Auto| to
% the parameter object, the structure is tunable in the generated
% code.
% To generate efficient code by avoiding data type
% mismatches between the structure and the bus signal, use either:
% * Typed expressions to specify the values of the structure fields. Match the
% data type of each field with the data type of the
% corresponding signal element.
% * A |Simulink.Bus| object to control the data types of the structure
% fields and the signal elements.
% For basic information about using structures to initialize bus signals,
% and to decide how to control field data types,
% see <docid:simulink_ug.bsff8zh>.
%% Generate Tunable Initial Condition Structure
% This example shows how to use a tunable structure parameter to initialize
% a virtual bus signal.
% Open the example model <matlab:open_system('rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct') |rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct|>.
% In the Inport block dialog boxes, open the *Signal Attributes* tab. Each Inport uses a
% different output data type.
% Open the Bus Creator block dialog box. The block output is a virtual bus.
% In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, open the *Optimization >
% Signals and Parameters* pane. The configuration parameter *Default
% parameter behavior* is set to |Tunable|. By default, block parameters,
% including initial conditions, appear in the generated code as tunable fields of the global
% parameters structure.
% Open the Unit Delay block dialog box. Set *Initial condition* to a
% structure that specifies an initial condition for each of the three
% signal elements. To generate efficient code, match the data types of the
% structure fields with the data types of the corresponding signal
% elements.
%   set_param('rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct/Unit Delay','InitialCondition',...
%   'struct(''thermocpl'',15.23,''magFlow'',uint32(79),''posSwitch'',false)')
set_param('rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct/Unit Delay','InitialCondition',...
% Generate code from the example model.
% In the code generation report, view the file |rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct_types.h|.
% The code defines a structure type whose fields use the data
% types that you specified in the |struct| expression.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct_types.h');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'#ifndef DEFINED_TYPEDEF_FOR_struct_','}',1,1)
% View the file |rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct.h|. The |struct| type definition of
% the global parameters structure contains a substructure,
% |UnitDelay_InitialCondition|, which represents the *Initial condition*
% parameter of the Unit Delay block.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct.h');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'struct P_rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct_T_ {','UnitDelay_InitialCondition;',1,1)
% View the file |rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct_data.c|. This source file
% allocates memory for the global parameters structure. The substructure
% |UnitDelay_InitialCondition| appears.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct_data.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Block parameters (auto storage) */','}',1,1)
% View the file |rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct.c|. The model initialization function uses the fields of the substructure to initialize the block states.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_tunable_init_struct.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: ''<Root>/Unit Delay'' */',...
%% Use Bus Object to Specify Data Types
% If you create a bus object, you can use it to specify the
% data type of the bus signal and the tunable initial condition structure. 
% Before code generation, the
% |Simulink.Parameter| object casts the values of the structure fields to the data types of the 
% signal elements. 
% For basic information about creating bus objects and using them
% in models, see <docid:simulink_ug.f15-109955>.
% Open the example model <matlab:open_system('rtwdemo_init_struct_busobj') |rtwdemo_init_struct_busobj|>.
% In the base workspace, double-click the |Simulink.Bus| object
% |ComponentData|. The object defines three signal elements: |thermocpl|,
% |magFlow|, and |posSwitch|. The elements each use a different data type.
% Open the block dialog box for the Inport block DataIn. The output data
% type is set to |Bus: ComponentData|.
% Create the tunable structure parameter |initStruct|. You can specify the
% field values by using untyped expressions. To improve readability, 
% specify the field |posSwitch| with a Boolean value. Specify the
% |DataType| property of the parameter object as |'Bus: ComponentData'|.
%   initStruct = struct(...
%       'thermocpl',15.23,...
%       'magFlow',79,...
%       'posSwitch',false ...
%       );
%   initStruct = Simulink.Parameter(initStruct);
%   initStruct.StorageClass = 'ExportedGlobal';
%   initStruct.DataType = 'Bus: ComponentData';
initStruct = struct(...

initStruct = Simulink.Parameter(initStruct);
initStruct.StorageClass = 'ExportedGlobal';
initStruct.DataType = 'Bus: ComponentData';
% In the Unit Delay block dialog box, specify *Initial condition* as
% |initStruct|.
set_param('rtwdemo_init_struct_busobj/Unit Delay','InitialCondition','initStruct')
% Generate code from the example model.
% In the code generation report, view the file |rtwdemo_init_struct_busobj_types.h|.
% The code creates a structure type |ComponentData| whose fields use the data
% types in the bus object.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_init_struct_busobj_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_init_struct_busobj_types.h');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'#ifndef DEFINED_TYPEDEF_FOR_ComponentData_','}',1,1)
% View the file |rtwdemo_init_struct_busobj.c|. The code creates a global variable to represent the tunable
% parameter object |initStruct|.
file = fullfile('rtwdemo_init_struct_busobj_grt_rtw','rtwdemo_init_struct_busobj.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Exported block parameters */','Variable: initStruct',1,1)
% The model initialization function uses the structure fields to initialize the block states.
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay:',...
    '= initStruct.posSwitch;',1,1)
% To change the data type of any of the three signal elements, specify the
% new type in the bus object. The signal element in the model uses
% the new type. Before simulation and code generation, the parameter object |initStruct| casts the
% corresponding structure field to the new type.