www.gusucode.com > simulinkcoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simulinkcoder/PassParameterDataThroughFormalFunctionParametersExample.m

    %% Pass Parameter Data to Referenced Model Entry-Point Functions as Arguments
% Configure a referenced model to accept
% parameter data through formal parameters of the generated model
% entry-point
% function. This technique enables you to specify a different parameter
% value for each instance (Model block) of the referenced model. 
%% Configure Referenced Model to Use Model Arguments
% Create the model |ex_arg_code_ref|. This model represents a reusable
% algorithm.
% In the Inport block dialog box, on the *Signal Attributes* tab, set *Data
% type* to |single|. Due to data type inheritance, the other signals in the
% model use the same data type.
% In the Model Explorer *Model Hierarchy* pane, expand the node
% *ex_arg_code_ref* and select *Model Workspace*.
% Select *Add > Simulink Parameter* twice. Two |Simulink.Parameter| objects
% appear in the *Contents* pane.
% Rename the objects as |gainArg| and |coeffArg|.
% Set the |Value| property of the objects. For example, set them to |3.17| and |1.05|, respectively.
modelWorkspace = get_param('ex_arg_code_ref','ModelWorkspace');
% In the *Model Hierarchy* pane, select *Model Workspace*. 
% In the Dialog pane (the right-hand pane), set *Model arguments* to
% |coeffArg,gainArg|.
% <<../ref_mdlwksp.png>>
% In the |ex_arg_code_ref| model, in the Gain block dialog box, set *Gain*
% to |gainArg|.
% In the Discrete Filter block dialog box, set *Numerator*
% to |coeffArg|.
set_param('ex_arg_code_ref/Discrete Filter','Numerator','coeffArg')
% Save the |ex_arg_code_ref| model.
%% Specify Instance-Specific Parameter Values in Model Blocks
% Create the model |ex_arg_code_ref|. This model uses multiple instances
% (Model blocks) of the reusable algorithm.
% Open the upper Model block dialog box.
% Set *Model argument values* to |0.98,2.98|.
% <<../model_blk_1.png>>
% In the other Model block dialog box, set *Model argument values* to
% |1.11,3.34|.
% Generate code from the top model.
% The file |ex_arg_code_ref.c| defines the referenced
% model entry-point function, |ex_arg_code_ref|. The function has two formal
% parameters,
% |rtp_coeffArg| and |rtp_gainArg|, that correspond to the model arguments, |coeffArg| and |gainArg|. The
% formal parameters use the data type |real32_T|, which corresponds to the
% data type |single| in Simulink.
file = fullfile('slprj','grt','ex_arg_code_ref','ex_arg_code_ref.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Output and update for referenced model:',...
    'real32_T rtp_gainArg)',1,1)
% The file |ex_arg_code.c| contains the definition of the top model
% entry-point function, |ex_arg_code|. This function calls the referenced
% model entry-point 
% function, |ex_arg_code_ref|, and uses the model argument values that
% you specified (such as |1.11| and |3.34|) as the values of |rtp_coeffArg| and |rtp_gainArg|.
file = fullfile('ex_arg_code_grt_rtw','ex_arg_code.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* ModelReference: ''<Root>/Model'' */',...
    '1.11F, 3.34F',1,1)
% The formal parameters use the data type |real32_T| (|single|) because:
% # The block parameters in |ex_arg_code_ref| determine their data types
% through internal rules. For example, in the Gain block dialog box, on the
% *Parameter Attributes* tab, *Parameter data type* is set to |Inherit:
% Inherit via internal rule| (the default). In this case, the internal rule chooses the
% same data type as the input and output signals, |single|.
% # The model arguments in the model workspace use context-sensitive data
% typing because the value of the |DataType| property is set to |auto| (the
% default). With
% this setting, the model arguments use the same data type as the block
% parameters, |single|.
% # The formal parameters in the generated code use the same data type as
% the model arguments, |single|.
%% Generate Tunable Argument Values
% You can configure the
% instance-specific values in the Model blocks to appear in the generated code as tunable
% global variables. This technique enables you to store the parameter
% values
% for each instance in memory and to tune the values during code execution.
% View the contents of the |ex_arg_code_ref| model workspace in Model
% Explorer.
% Copy |gainArg| and |coeffArg| from the
% |ex_arg_code_ref| model workspace to the base workspace.
% Rename |gainArg| as |gainForInst1|. Rename |coeffArg| as |coeffForInst1|.
gainForInst1 = getVariable(modelWorkspace,'gainArg');
gainForInst1 = copy(gainForInst1);
coeffForInst1 = getVariable(modelWorkspace,'coeffArg');
coeffForInst1 = copy(coeffForInst1);
% Copy |gainForInst1| and |coeffForInst1| as |gainForInst2| and
% |coeffForInst2|.
gainForInst2 = copy(gainForInst1);
coeffForInst2 = copy(coeffForInst1);
% Set the instance-specific parameter values by using the |Value| property
% of the parameter objects in the base workspace. 
gainForInst1.Value = 2.98;
coeffForInst1.Value = 0.98;

gainForInst2.Value = 3.34;
coeffForInst2.Value = 1.11;
% For the new parameter objects, set |StorageClass| to |ExportedGlobal|.
% This setting causes the parameter objects to appear in the generated code
% as tunable global variables.
gainForInst1.StorageClass = 'ExportedGlobal';
coeffForInst1.StorageClass = 'ExportedGlobal';
gainForInst2.StorageClass = 'ExportedGlobal';
coeffForInst2.StorageClass = 'ExportedGlobal';
% In the top model, |ex_arg_code|, open the upper Model block dialog box.
% Set *Model argument values* to |coeffForInst1,gainForInst1|.
% <<../model_blk_2.png>>
% In the other Model block dialog box, set *Model argument values* to
% |coeffForInst2,gainForInst2|.
% Generate code from the top model.
% The file |ex_arg_code.c| defines the global variables that correspond to
% the parameter objects in the base workspace.
file = fullfile('ex_arg_code_grt_rtw','ex_arg_code.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Exported block parameters */',...
    '/* Block states (auto storage) */',1,0)
% In each call to |ex_arg_code_ref|, the top model algorithm uses the
% global variables to set the values of the formal parameters.
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* ModelReference: ''<Root>/Model'' */',...
% The global variables in the generated code use the data type |real32_T|
% (|single|)
% because:
% # The parameter objects in the base workspace use context-sensitive data
% typing because the |DataType| property is set to |auto| (the default).
% With this setting, the parameter objects in the base workspace use the
% same data type as the model arguments, |single|.
% # The global variables in the generated code use the same data type as
% the parameter objects in the base workspace.
%% Group Multiple Model Arguments into Single Structure
% Use the Model Explorer to copy |gainArg| and |coeffArg| from the
% |ex_arg_code_ref| model workspace into the base workspace.
temp = getVariable(modelWorkspace,'gainArg');
gainArg = copy(temp);
temp = getVariable(modelWorkspace,'coeffArg');
coeffArg = copy(temp);
% At the command prompt, combine these two parameter objects into a
% structure, |structArg|.
structArg = Simulink.Parameter(struct('gain',gainArg.Value,...
% Use the Model Explorer to move |structArg| into the model workspace.
clear structArg gainArg coeffArg
% In the *Model Hierarchy* pane, select the |ex_arg_code_ref| model
% workspace. In the Dialog pane, set *Model arguments* to |structArg|.
% <<../structArg.png>>
% In the |ex_arg_code_ref| model, set the *Gain* parameter of the Gain
% block to |structArg.gain|.
% In the Discrete Filter block dialog box, set *Numerator*
% to |structArg.coeff|.
set_param('ex_arg_code_ref/Discrete Filter',...
% At the command prompt, combine the four parameter objects in the base
% workspace into two structures. Each structure stores the
% parameter values for one instance of |ex_arg_code_ref|.
structForInst1 = Simulink.Parameter(struct('gain',gainForInst1.Value,...

structForInst2 = Simulink.Parameter(struct('gain',gainForInst2.Value,...
% Apply the storage class |ExportedGlobal| to the parameter objects.
structForInst1.StorageClass = 'ExportedGlobal';
structForInst2.StorageClass = 'ExportedGlobal';
% In the top model, in the upper Model block dialog box, set *Model argument values* to
% |structForInst1|.
% <<../model_blk_3.png>>
% In the other Model block dialog box, set *Model argument values* to
% |structForInst2|.
% Use the function |Simulink.Bus.createObject| to create a |Simulink.Bus|
% object. The hierarchy of elements in the object matches the hierarchy of the structure
% fields. The default name of the object is |slBus1|.
% Rename the bus object as |myParamStructType| by copying it.
myParamStructType = copy(slBus1);
% Set the data type of the parameter objects in the base workspace by using
% the bus object.
structForInst1.DataType = 'Bus: myParamStructType';
structForInst2.DataType = 'Bus: myParamStructType';
% Use the Model Explorer to view the contents of the |ex_arg_code_ref|
% model workspace.
% Set *Column View* to |Data Objects|. For the parameter object
% |structArg|, set |DataType| to |Bus: myParamStructType|.
temp = getVariable(modelWorkspace,'structArg');
temp = copy(temp);
temp.DataType = 'Bus: myParamStructType';
% <<../structArg_type.png>>
% Save the |ex_arg_code_ref| model.
% When you use structures to group parameter values, you cannot take
% advantage of context-sensitive data typing to control the data types of
% the fields of the structures (for example, the fields of
% |structForInst1|). However, you can use the properties of the bus object
% to control the field data types.
% Set the data type of the elements in the bus object to |single|. The
% corresponding fields in the structures (such as |structForInst1| and |structArg|) use the
% same data type.
myParamStructType.Elements(1).DataType = 'single';
myParamStructType.Elements(2).DataType = 'single';
% Generate code from the top model, |ex_arg_code|.
% The file |ex_arg_code_types.h| defines the structure type
% |myParamStructType|, which corresponds to the |Simulink.Bus| object.
file = fullfile('ex_arg_code_grt_rtw','ex_arg_code_types.h');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'typedef struct {','} myParamStructType;',1,1)
% In the file |ex_arg_code_ref.c|, the referenced model entry-point function has a formal
% parameter,
% |rtp_structArg|, that correspond to the model argument |structArg|.
file = fullfile('slprj','grt','ex_arg_code_ref','ex_arg_code_ref.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Output and update for referenced model:',...
% The file |ex_arg_code.c| defines the global structure variables that correspond to
% the parameter objects in the base workspace.
file = fullfile('ex_arg_code_grt_rtw','ex_arg_code.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Exported block parameters */',...
    '/* Block states (auto storage) */',1,0)
% The top model algorithm in the file |ex_arg_code.c| passes the addresses
% of the structure variables to the referenced model entry-point function.
file = fullfile('ex_arg_code_grt_rtw','ex_arg_code.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* ModelReference: ''<Root>/Model'' */',...