www.gusucode.com > simulinkcoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simulinkcoder/RemoveCodeForBlocksNoEffectExample.m

    %% Remove Code for Blocks That Have No Effect on Computational Results 
% This example shows how the code generator optimizes generated code by
% removing code that has no effect on computational results. This
% optimization:
% * Increases execution speed.
% * Reduces ROM consumption.
% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Example
% In the model <matlab:rtwdemo_blockreduction rtwdemo_blockreduction>, a Gain block of value
% |1.0| is in between Inport and Outport blocks.
model = 'rtwdemo_blockreduction';

%% Generate Code
% Create a temporary folder for the build and inspection process.

% Build the model. 

% Here is the code from |rtwdemo_blockreduction.c|.
cfile = fullfile(cgDir,'rtwdemo_blockreduction_ert_rtw','rtwdemo_blockreduction.c');
rtwdemodbtype(cfile, '/* Model step function */',...
    '/* Model initialize function */', 1, 0);
%% Enable Optimization
% # Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
% # On the *All Parameters* tab, select *Block reduction*. This
% optimization is on by default.
% Alternately, use the command-line API to enable the optimization.
%% Generate Code with Optimization
% Here is the optimized code from |rtwdemo_blockreduction.c|.

cfile = fullfile(cgDir,'rtwdemo_blockreduction_ert_rtw','rtwdemo_blockreduction.c');
rtwdemodbtype(cfile, '/* Model step function */',...
    '/* Model initialize function */', 1, 0);
% Because multiplying the input signal by a value of |1.0| does not impact
% computational results, the code generator excludes the Gain block from the
% generated code.
% Close the model and clean up.