www.gusucode.com > simulinkcoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simulinkcoder/UseRSimTargetForBatchSimulationsExample.m

    %% Run Batch Simulations Without Recompiling Generated Code
% This example shows how to run batch simulations without recompiling the 
% generated code.  The example modifies input signal data and model parameters 
% by reading data from a MAT-file. In the first part (steps 1-5), ten parameter 
% sets are created from the Simulink(R) model by changing the transfer function 
% damping factor. The ten parameter sets are saved to a MAT-file, and the RSim 
% executable reads the specified parameter set from the file. In the second 
% part (step 6-7) of this example, five sets of signal data chirps are created 
% with increasingly high frequencies. In both parts, the RSim executable runs 
% the set of simulations and creates output MAT-files containing the specific 
% simulation result. Finally, a composite of runs appears in a MATLAB(R)
% figure.
% To quickly run multiple simulations in the Simulink environment, consider using rapid accelerator
% instead of RSim. See <docid:simulink_ug.brc689t>.

% Copyright 2005-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Step 1.  Preparation
% Make sure the current directory is writable because this example will be
% creating files.
[stat, fa] = fileattrib(pwd);
if ~fa.UserWrite
    disp('This script must be run in a writable directory');
% Open the model and configure it to use the RSim target. For more
% information on doing this graphically and setting up other RSim target
% related options,
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'toolbox','rtw','helptargets.map'),'config_target') look here>.
mdlName = 'rtwdemo_rsimtf';
cs = getActiveConfigSet(mdlName);
% The MAT-file rsim_tfdata.mat is required in the local directory.
if ~isempty(dir('rsim_tfdata.mat')),
str1 = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','rtw','rtwdemos','rsimdemos','rsim_tfdata.mat');
str2 = ['copyfile(''', str1, ''',''rsim_tfdata.mat'',''writable'')'];

%% Step 2.  Build the Model
% Build the RSim executable for the model. During the build process, a
% structural checksum is calculated for the model and embedded into the
% generated executable. This checksum is used to check that a parameter 
% set passed to the executable is compatible with it.
evalin('base','w = 70;')
evalin('base','theta = 1.0;')
disp('Building compiled RSim simulation.')

%% Step 3.  Get the Default Parameter Set and Create 10 Parameters Sets
disp('Creating rtP data files')
for i=1:10
  % Extract current rtP structure using new damping factor.
  savestr = strcat('save params',num2str(i),'.mat rtpstruct');
  evalin('base','theta = theta - .1;');
disp('Finished creating parameter data files.')

%% Step 4. Run 10 RSim Simulations Using New Parameter Sets and Plot the Results
for i=1:10
  % Bang out and run a simulation using new parameter data
  runstr = ['.', filesep, 'rtwdemo_rsimtf -p params',num2str(i),'.mat', ' -v'];
  [status, result] = system(runstr);
  if status ~= 0, error(result); end
  % Load simulation data into MATLAB for plotting.
  load rtwdemo_rsimtf.mat;
  axis([0 1 0 2]);
  plot(rt_tout, rt_yout)
  hold on
% The plot shows 10 simulations, each using a different damping factor.

%% Step 5. Set Up a Time Vector and an Initial Frequency Vector
% The time vector has 4096 points in the event we want to do windowing and
% spectral analysis on simulation results.
dt = .001;
nn = [0:1:4095];
t = dt*nn; [m,n] = size(t);
wlo = 1; whi = 4;
omega = [wlo:((whi-wlo)/n):whi - (whi-wlo)/n];

%% Step 6. Create 5 Sets of Signal Data in MAT Files
%  Creating .mat files with chirp data.
disp('This part of the example illustrates a sequence of 5 plots. Each')
disp('plot shows an input chirp signal of certain frequency range.')
for i = 1:5
  wlo = whi; whi = 3*whi; % keep increasing frequencies
  omega = [wlo:((whi-wlo)/n):whi - (whi-wlo)/n];
  % In a real application we recommend shaping the chirp using
  % a windowing function (hamming or hanning window, etc.)
  % This example does not use a windowing function.
  u      = sin(omega.*t);
  tudata = [t;u];
  % At each pass, save one more set of tudata to the next
  % .mat file.
  savestr = strcat('save sweep',num2str(i),'.mat tudata');
  % Display each chirp. Note that this is only input data.
  % Simulations have not been run yet.
  plotstr = strcat('subplot(5,1,',num2str(i),');');

%% Step 7. Run the RSim Compiled Simulation Using New Signal Data
% Replace the original signal data (rsim_tfdata.mat) with
% the files sweep1.mat, sweep2.mat, and so on.
disp('Starting batch simulations.')
for i = 1:5
  % Bang out and run the next set of data with RSim
  runstr = ['.', filesep, 'rtwdemo_rsimtf -f rsim_tfdata.mat=sweep', ...
            num2str(i),'.mat -v -tf 4.096'];
  [status, result] = system(runstr);
  if status ~= 0, error(result); end
  % Load the data to MATLAB and plot the results.
  load rtwdemo_rsimtf.mat
  plotstr = strcat('subplot(5,1,',num2str(i),');');
  plot(rt_tout, rt_yout); axis([0 4.1 -3 3]);
zoom on
% cleanup
evalin('base','clear w theta')
disp('This part of the example illustrates a sequence of 5 plots. Each plot')
disp('shows the simulation results for the next frequency range. Using the')
disp('mouse, zoom in on each signal to observe signal amplitudes.')
close_system(mdlName, 0);