www.gusucode.com > simulinkcoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > simulinkcoder/UseRSimTargetForParameterSurveyExample.m

    %% Run Rapid Simulations Over Range of Parameter Values
% This example shows how to use the RSim target to run simulations over a range 
% of parameter values. The example uses the Van
% der Pol oscillator and performs a parameter sweep over a range of
% initial state values to obtain the phase diagram of a nonlinear system.
% It is very easy to customize this example for your own application by
% modifying the MATLAB(R) script used to build this example. Click the link in
% the top left corner of this page to edit the MATLAB(R) script. Click the link
% in the top right corner to run this example from MATLAB(R). When running this
% example, make sure you are in a writable directory.  The example creates files
% that you may want to investigate later. 
% For this example, *Default parameter behavior*
% is set to |Inlined|. In the example, you create |Simulink.Parameter| objects as tunable
% parameters. To use RSim with *Default parameter behavior* set to
% |Tunable|, and without explicitly declaring tunable parameters, see 
% <docid:simulinkcoder_examples.example-rtwdemo_rsim_batch_script>.
% To quickly run multiple simulations in the Simulink environment, consider using rapid accelerator
% instead of RSim. For information about rapid accelerator, see
% <docid:simulink_ug.brc689t>. To sweep parameter values, see
% <docid:simulink_ug.bu1wrbi>.
%% Step 1.  Preparation
% Make sure the current directory is writable because this example will be
% creating files.

[stat, fa] = fileattrib(pwd);
if ~fa.UserWrite
    disp('This script must be run in a writable directory');

% Open the model and configure it to use the RSim target. For more
% information on doing this graphically and setting up other RSim target
% related options,
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'toolbox','rtw','helptargets.map'),'config_target') look here>.

mdlName = 'rtwdemo_rsim_vdp';
cs = getActiveConfigSet(mdlName);

% Specify as Tunable the variables INIT_X1 (the initial
% condition for state x1), INIT_X2 (the initial condition for state x2),
% and MU (the gain value). To create tunable parameters, convert the variables to 
% |Simulink.Parameter| objects, and use a storage class other than |Auto| for each object.
% In this example we will be investigating how the
% state trajectories evolve from different initial values for the states x1
% and x2 in the model.
INIT_X1 = Simulink.Parameter(INIT_X1);
INIT_X1.StorageClass = 'SimulinkGlobal';

INIT_X2 = Simulink.Parameter(INIT_X2);
INIT_X2.StorageClass = 'SimulinkGlobal';

MU = Simulink.Parameter(MU);
MU.StorageClass = 'SimulinkGlobal';
% Define the names of files that will be created during this example.

prmFileName = [mdlName, '_prm_sets.mat'];
logFileName = [mdlName, '_run_scr.log'];
batFileName = [mdlName, '_run_scr'];
exeFileName = mdlName;
if ispc
    exeFileName = [exeFileName, '.exe'];
    batFileName = [batFileName, '.bat'];
aggDataFile = [mdlName, '_results'];
startTime = cputime;

%% Step 2.  Build the Model
% Build the RSim executable for the model. During the build process, a
% structural checksum is calculated for the model and embedded into the
% generated executable. This checksum is used to check that a parameter set
% passed to the executable is compatible with it. 


%% Step 3.  Get the Default Parameter Set for the Model
% Get the default rtP structure (parameter set) for the model. The modelChecksum
% field in the rtP structure is the structural checksum of the model. This must
% match the checksum embedded in the RSim executable (generated in step 2
% above).  If the two checksums do not match, the executable will generate an
% error. |rsimgetrtp| generates an rtP structure with entries for the named tunable variables
% INIT_X1, INIT_X2 and MU in the model.

rtp = rsimgetrtp(mdlName)

%% Step 4.  Create Parameter Sets
% Using the rtp structure from step 4, we build a structure array with different
% values for the tunable variables in the model. As mentioned earlier, in this
% example we want to see how the state trajectories evolve for different initial 
% values for the states x1 and x2 in the model. Hence we generate different 
% parameter sets with different values for INIT_X1 and INIT_X2 and leave the 
% tunable variable MU at the default value.

INIT_X1_vals = -5:1:5;
INIT_X2_vals = -5:1:5;
MU_vals = 1;
nPrmSets = length(INIT_X1_vals)*length(INIT_X2_vals)*length(MU_vals)

% Note that in this example we have nPrmSets parameter sets, i.e., we need to run
% that many simulations.  Initialize aggData, which is a structure array used to
% hold the parameter set and the corresponding results.

aggData = struct('tout', [], 'yout', [], ...
                'prms', struct('INIT_X1',[],'INIT_X2',[], 'MU', []))
aggData = repmat(aggData, nPrmSets, 1);

% The utility function rsimsetrtpparam is a convenient way to build the rtP
% structure by adding parameter sets one at a time with different parameters
% values.

idx = 1;
for iX1 = INIT_X1_vals
    for iX2 = INIT_X2_vals
        for iMU = MU_vals
            rtp = rsimsetrtpparam(rtp,idx,'INIT_X1',iX1,'INIT_X2',iX2,'MU',iMU);
            aggData(idx).prms.INIT_X1 = iX1;
            aggData(idx).prms.INIT_X2 = iX2;
            aggData(idx).prms.MU      = iMU;
            idx = idx + 1;

% Save the rtP structure array with the parameter sets to a MAT-file.


%% Step 5. Create a Batch File
% We create a batch/script file to run the RSim executable over the parameter
% sets. Each run reads the specified parameter set from the parameter MAT-file
% and writes the results to the specified output MAT-file.  Note that we use the
% time out option so that if a particular run were to hang (because the model
% may have a singularity for that particular parameter set), we abort the run
% after the specified time limit is exceeded and proceed to the next run.
% For example, the command (on Windows(R))
%    model.exe -p prm.mat@3 -o run3.mat -L 3600 2>&1>> run.log
% specifies using the third parameter set from the rtP structure in prm.mat,
% writing the results to run3.mat, and aborting execution if a run takes longer 
% than 3600 seconds of CPU time. In addition, messages from model.exe while 
% it is running are piped to run.log. In case of problems, we can look at 
% run.log to help debug.

fid = fopen(batFileName, 'w');
idx = 1;
for iX1 = INIT_X1_vals
    for iX2 = INIT_X2_vals
        for iMU = MU_vals
            outMatFile = [mdlName, '_run',num2str(idx),'.mat'];
            cmd = [exeFileName, ...
                   ' -p ', prmFileName, '@', int2str(idx), ...
                   ' -o ', outMatFile, ...
                   ' -L 3600'];
            if ispc
                cmd  = [cmd, ' 2>&1>> ', logFileName];
            else % (unix)
                cmd  = ['.' filesep cmd, ' 1> ', logFileName, ' 2>&1'];
            fprintf(fid, ['echo "', cmd, '"\n']);
            fprintf(fid, [cmd, '\n']);
            idx = idx + 1;
if isunix,
    system(['touch ', logFileName]);
    system(['chmod +x ', batFileName]);

% Creating a batch file to run the simulations enables us to call the system
% command once to run the simulations (or even run the batch script outside
% MATLAB(R)) instead of calling the system command in a loop for each
% simulation. This results in a performance improvement because the
% system command has significant overhead.

%% Step 6. Execute Batch File to Run Simulations
% Run the batch/script file, which runs the RSim executable once for each
% parameter set and saves the results to a different MAT-file each time.
% Note that this batch file can be run from outside MATLAB(R).

[stat, res] = system(['.' filesep batFileName]);
if stat ~= 0
    error(['Error running batch file ''', batFileName, ''' :', res]);

% In this example we put the simulation runs into one batch file, ran the batch
% file to sequentially run 'n' simulations over 'n' parameter sets. For your
% application this script can be modified to generate multiple batch files, and
% these batch files are run in parallel by distributing them across multiple
% computers. Also the batch files can be run without launching MATLAB(R).

%% Step 7. Load Output MAT-files and Collate the Results
% Here we collect the simulation results from the output MAT-files into the
% aggData structure. If the output MAT-file corresponding to a particular run is
% not found, we set the results corresponding to that run to be NaN (not a
% number). This situation can occur if a simulation run with a particular set
% of parameters encounters singularities in the model.

idx = 1;
for iX1 = INIT_X1_vals
    for iX2 = INIT_X2_vals
        for iMU = MU_vals
            outMatFile = [mdlName, '_run',num2str(idx),'.mat'];
            if exist(outMatFile,'file')
                aggData(idx).tout = rt_tout;
                aggData(idx).yout = rt_yout;
                aggData(idx).tout = nan;
                aggData(idx).yout = nan;
            idx = idx + 1;

% Save the aggData structure to the results MAT-file. At this point, you can
% delete the other MAT-files, as the aggData data structure contains the aggregation
% of input (parameters sets) and output data (simulation results).

disp(['Took ', num2str(cputime-startTime), ...
      ' seconds to generate results from ', ...
      num2str(nPrmSets), ' simulation runs (Steps 2 to 7).']);

%% Step 8. Analyze Simulation Results
% We now have data to plot the phase diagram (X2 versus X1) with
% different initial values for x1 and x2. The diagram shows that, irrespective
% of the initial condition, the Van der Pol oscillator converges to its natural
% oscillator mode.

colors = {'b','g','r','c','m','y','k'}; nColors = length(colors);
for idx = 1:nPrmSets
    col = colors{idx - nColors*floor(idx/nColors) + 1};
    plot(aggData(idx).prms.INIT_X1, aggData(idx).prms.INIT_X2, [col,'x'], ...
         aggData(idx).yout(:,1), aggData(idx).yout(:,2),col);
    hold on
grid on
title('Phase diagram for Van der Pol equation');