www.gusucode.com > sl3d 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > sl3d/ConvertMATLABPatchestoIndexedFaceSetNodesExample.m

    %% Convert MATLAB Patches to IndexedFaceSet Nodes  
% This command converts three MATLAB(R) patches to |IndexedFaceSet| nodes.   

% Create surface using MATLAB |peaks| function. 
fig = figure('Name','Source peaks surface');
s = surf(peaks);     

% Convert the peaks surface to a patch. 
peaksPatch = patch(surf2patch(s));
shading interp;  

% Create and open an empty virtual world. 
w2 = vrworld('');

% Create and bind viewpoint 
dv = vrnode(w2, 'DefaultViewpoint','Viewpoint');
dv.position  = [-1 15 30];
dv.orientation = [-0.38 -0.93 0 0.55];
setfield(dv,'set_bind',true); %#ok<STFLD,SFLD>  

% Convert the patch to an |IndexedFaceSet| nodes. The resulting nodes are
% created in the root level of supplied |vrworld| object) 

% Show the result. 
vrfig2 = vrfigure(w2,'Name',...
         'Virtual world containing resulting IndexedFaceSet node');