www.gusucode.com > slcontrol 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > slcontrol/BatchComputeSteadyStateOPsForMultipleSpecificationsExample.m

    %% Batch Compute Steady-State Operating Points for Multiple Specifications
% This example shows how to find operating points for multiple operating
% point specifications using the |findop| command. You can
% batch linearize the model using the operating points and study the change
% in model behavior.
% Each time you call |findop|, the software compiles the Simulink model. To
% find operating points for multiple specifications, you can give |findop|
% an array of operating point specifications, instead of repeatedly calling
% |findop| within a for loop. The software uses a single model compilation
% to compute the multiple operating points, which is efficient, especially
% for models that are expensive to recompile repeatedly.

% Open the Simulink model.
sys = 'scdspeed';

% Create an array of default operating point specification objects.
opspec = operspec(sys,3);

% To find steady-state operating points at which the output of the rad/s to
% rpm block is fixed, add a known output specification to each operating
% point specification object.
blk = [sys '/rad//s to rpm'];
for i = 1:3
    opspec(i) = addoutputspec(opspec(i),blk,1);
    opspec(i).Outputs(1).Known = true;

% Specify different known output values for each operating point
% specification.
opspec(1).Outputs(1).y = 1500;
opspec(2).Outputs(1).y = 2000;
opspec(3).Outputs(1).y = 2500;

% Alternatively, you can configure operating point specifications using
% the Linear Analysis Tool and export the specifications to the MATLAB
% workspace. For more information, see <docid:slcontrol_ug.btmmc_w>.

% Find the operating points that meet each of the three output
% specifications. |findop| computes all the operating points using a single
% model compilation.
ops = findop(sys,opspec);

% |ops| is a vector of operating points for the |scdspeed| model that
% correspond to the specifications in |opspec|. The output value for each
% operating point matches the known value specified in the corresponding
% operating point specification.