www.gusucode.com > slcontrol 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > slcontrol/ObtainComplementarySensitivityFunctionforSpecificParametExample.m

    %% Obtain Complementary Sensitivity Function for Specific Parameter Combination  
% Suppose you batch linearize the |scdcascade| model for multiple transfer
% functions. For most linearizations, you vary the proportional (|Kp2|)
% and integral gain (|Ki2|) of the |C2| controller in the 10% range. For
% this example, calculate the complementary sensitivity function for the
% inner loop for the maximum value of |Kp2| and |Ki2|.   

% Open the |scdcascade| model. 
mdl = 'scdcascade';

% Create an |slLinearizer| interface for the model. 
sllin = slLinearizer(mdl);  

% Vary the proportional (|Kp2|) and integral gain (|Ki2|) of the |C2| controller
% in the 10% range. 
Kp2_range = linspace(0.9*Kp2,1.1*Kp2,3);
Ki2_range = linspace(0.9*Ki2,1.1*Ki2,5);


params(1).Name = 'Kp2';
params(1).Value = Kp2_grid;

params(2).Name = 'Ki2';
params(2).Value = Ki2_grid;

sllin.Parameters = params;  

% To calculate the complementary sensitivity of the inner loop, use the
% |y2| signal as the analysis point. To eliminate the effects of the outer
% loop, break the outer loop at |y1m|. Add both these points to |sllin|. 

% Determine the index for the maximum values of |Ki2| and |Kp2|. 
mdl_index = params(1).Value == max(Kp2_range) & params(2).Value == max(Ki2_range);  

% Obtain the complementary sensitivity transfer function at |y2|. 
sys = getCompSensitivity(sllin,'y2','y1m',mdl_index);