www.gusucode.com > slcontrol 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > slcontrol/RemoveAnalysisPointUsingIndexExample.m

    %% Remove Analysis Point Using Index  

% Create an |slLinearizer| interface for the |scdcascade| model. Add analysis
% points for the |r|, |e1|, and |y1m| signals. 
sllin = slLinearizer('scdcascade',{'r','e1','y1m'});  

% Determine the index number of the point you want to remove. To do this,
% display the contents of the interface, which includes analysis point index
% numbers, in the Command Window. 
% For this example, remove the |y1m| point from |sllin|. 

% The displays shows that |y1m| is the third analysis point of |sllin| .  

% Remove the point from the interface. 