www.gusucode.com > slcontrol 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > slcontrol/SpecifySubstituteBlockLinearizationAndLinearizeModelExample.m

    %% Specify Substitute Block Linearization and Linearize Model
% Open the Simulink model.
sys = 'scdpwm';

% Extract linearization input and output from the model.
io = getlinio(sys);

% Linearize the model at the model operating point.
linsys = linearize(sys,io)

% The discontinuities in the Voltage to PWM block cause the model to
% linearize to zero. To treat this block as a unit gain during
% linearization, specify a substitute linearization for this block.
blocksub.Name = 'scdpwm/Voltage to PWM';
blocksub.Value = 1;

% Linearize the model using the specified block substitution.
linsys = linearize(sys,blocksub,io)