www.gusucode.com > slcontrol 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > slcontrol/TrimModelToMeetStateSpecificationsExample.m

    %% Trim Model to Meet State Specifications
% Open the Simulink model.
sys = 'watertank';

% Trim the model to find a steady-state operating point where the water
% tank level is |10|.

% Create default operating point specification object.
opspec = operspec(sys);

% Configure specifications for the first model state. The first state must
% be at steady state with a lower bound of |0|. Provide an initial guess of
% |2| for the state value.
opspec.States(1).SteadyState = 1;
opspec.States(1).x = 2;
opspec.States(1).Min = 0;

% Configure the second model state as a known state with a value of |10|.
opspec.States(2).Known = 1;
opspec.States(2).x = 10;

% Find the operating point that meets these specifications.
op = findop(sys,opspec);