www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/AnalyzeImagesUsingLinearSupportVectorMachinesExample.m

    %% Analyze Images Using Linear Support Vector Machines
% This example shows how to determine which quadrant of an image a shape
% occupies by training an error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model comprised of
% linear SVM binary learners.  This example also illustrates the disk-space
% consumption of ECOC models that store support vectors, their labels, and
% the estimated $\alpha$ coefficients.
%% Create the Data Set
% Randomly place a circle with radius five in a 50-by-50 image. Make 5000
% images. Create a label for each image indicating the quadrant that the
% circle occupies.  Quadrant 1 is in the upper right, quadrant 2 is in the
% upper left, quadrant 3 is in the lower left, and quadrant 4 is in the
% lower right.  The predictors are the intensities of each pixel.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

d = 50;  % Height and width of the images in pixels
n = 5e4; % Sample size

X = zeros(n,d^2); % Predictor matrix preallocation 
Y = zeros(n,1);   % Label preallocation
theta = 0:(1/d):(2*pi);
r = 5;            % Circle radius
rng(1);           % For reproducibility

for j = 1:n;
    figmat = zeros(d);                       % Empty image
    c = datasample((r + 1):(d - r - 1),2);   % Random circle center
    x = r*cos(theta) + c(1);                 % Make the circle 
    y = r*sin(theta) + c(2);               
    idx = sub2ind([d d],round(y),round(x));  % Convert to linear indexing
    figmat(idx) = 1;                         % Draw the circle
    X(j,:) = figmat(:);                % Store the data
    Y(j) = (c(2) >= floor(d/2)) + 2*(c(2) < floor(d/2)) + ...
        (c(1) < floor(d/2)) + ...
        2*((c(1) >= floor(d/2)) & (c(2) < floor(d/2))); % Determine the quadrant
% Plot an observation.
h = gca;
h.YDir = 'normal';
title(sprintf('Quadrant %d',Y(end)));
%% Train the ECOC Model
% Use a 25% holdout sample and specify the training and holdout sample
% indices.
p = 0.25;
CVP = cvpartition(Y,'Holdout',p); % Cross-validation data partition
isIdx = training(CVP);            % Training sample indices
oosIdx = test(CVP);               % Test sample indices
% Create an SVM template that specifies storing the support vectors of the
% binary learners.  Pass it and the training data to |fitcecoc| to train
% the model.  Determine the training sample classification error.
t = templateSVM('SaveSupportVectors',true);
MdlSV = fitcecoc(X(isIdx,:),Y(isIdx),'Learners',t);
isLoss = resubLoss(MdlSV)
% |MdlSV| is a trained |ClassificationECOC| multiclass model.  It stores
% the training data and the support vectors of each binary learner. For
% large data sets, such as those in image analysis, the model can consume a
% lot of memory.
% Determine the amount of disk space that the ECOC model consumes.
infoMdlSV = whos('MdlSV');
mbMdlSV = infoMdlSV.bytes/1.049e6
% The model consumes 1477.5 MB.
%% Improve Model Efficiency
% You can assess out-of-sample performance. You can also assess whether the
% model has been overfit with a compacted model that does not contain the
% support vectors, their related parameters, and the training data.
% Discard the support vectors and related parameters from the trained ECOC
% model. Then, discard the training data from the resulting model by using
% |compact|.
Mdl = discardSupportVectors(MdlSV);
CMdl = compact(Mdl);
info = whos('Mdl','CMdl');
[bytesCMdl,bytesMdl] = info.bytes;
memReduction = 1 - [bytesMdl bytesCMdl]/infoMdlSV.bytes
% In this case, discarding the support vectors reduces the memory
% consumption by about 3%.  Compacting and discarding support vectors
% reduces the size by about 99.99%.  
% An alternative way to manage support vectors is to reduce their numbers
% during training by specifying a larger box constraint, such as 100.
% Though SVM models that use fewer support vectors are more desirable and
% consume less memory, increasing the value of the box constraint tends to
% increase the training time.
% Remove |MdlSV| and |Mdl| from the workspace.
clear Mdl MdlSV;
%% Assess Holdout Sample Performance
% Calculate the classification error of the holdout sample.  Plot a sample
% of the holdout sample predictions.
oosLoss = loss(CMdl,X(oosIdx,:),Y(oosIdx))
yHat = predict(CMdl,X(oosIdx,:));
nVec = 1:size(X,1);
oosIdx = nVec(oosIdx);

for j = 1:9;
    imagesc(reshape(X(oosIdx(j),:),[d d]));
    h = gca;
    h.YDir = 'normal';
    title(sprintf('Quadrant: %d',yHat(j)))
text(-1.33*d,4.5*d + 1,'Predictions','FontSize',17)
% The model does not misclassify any holdout sample observations.