www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/ChangeCategoryLabelsExample.m

    %% Change Category Labels  
% This example shows how to change the labels for category levels in categorical
% arrays using |setlabels|. You also have the option to specify labels when
% creating a categorical array.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Load sample data. 
% The variable |Cylinders| contains the number of cylinders in 100 sample cars. 
load carsmall

% The sample has 4-, 6-, and 8-cylinder cars.  

%% Create an ordinal array. 
% Convert |Cylinders| to a nominal array with the default category labels
% (taken from the values in the data). 
cyl  = ordinal(Cylinders);

% |ordinal| created labels using the integer values in |Cylinders|, but
% you should provide labels for numeric data.  

%% Change category labels. 
% Relabel the categories in |cyl| to |Four|, |Six|, and |Eight|. 
cyl = setlabels(cyl ,{'Four','Six','Eight'});

% Alternatively, you can specify category labels when you create a nominal
% or ordinal array using the second input argument, for example by specifying
% |ordinal(Cylinders,{'Four','Six','Eight'})|.