www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/ClassificationWithManyCategoricalLevels1Example.m

    %% Classification with Many Categorical Levels
% This example shows how to train an ensemble of classification trees using
% data containing predictors with many categorical levels.
% Generally, you cannot use classification with more than 31 levels in any
% categorical predictor. However, two boosting algorithms can classify data
% with many categorical predictor levels and binary responses: |LogitBoost|
% and |GentleBoost|. For details, see <docid:stats_ug.bsw8au3 LogitBoost>
% and <docid:stats_ug.bsw8avb GentleBoost>.
% This example uses demographic data from the U.S. Census Bureau, available
% at <http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Hepatitis UCI
% Machine Learning Data Repository>.
% The objective of the researchers who posted the data is predicting
% whether an individual makes over $50,000 a year, based on a set of
% characteristics. You can see details of the data, including predictor
% names, in the |adult.names| file at the site.
% Load the |'adult.data'| file from the UCI Machine Learning Data Repository.
% Specify a cell array of character vectors containing the variable names.
adult = urlread(['http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/'...
VarNames = {'age' 'workclass' 'fnlwgt' 'education' 'educationNum'...
    'maritalStatus' 'occupation' 'relationship' 'race'...
    'sex' 'capitalGain' 'capitalLoss'...
    'hoursPerWeek' 'nativeCountry' 'income'};
% |adult.data| represents missing data as |'?'|. Replace instances of
% missing data with an empty character vector. Use |textscan| to put the data into a
% cell array of character vectors.
adult = strrep(adult,'?','');
adult = textscan(adult,'%f%s%f%s%f%s%s%s%s%s%f%f%f%s%s',...
% The name-value pair argument |TreatAsEmpty| converts all observations
% corresponding to numeric variables to |NaN| if the observation is an
% empty character vector.
% Since the variables are heterogeneous, put the set into a tabular array.
adult = table(adult{:},'VariableNames',VarNames);
% Some categorical variables have many levels. Plot the number of levels of
% each categorical predictor.
cat = varfun(@iscellstr,adult(:,1:end - 1),...
    'OutputFormat','uniform'); % Logical flag for categorical variables
catVars = find(cat);           % Indices of categorical variables

countCats = @(var)numel(categories(nominal(var)));
numCat = varfun(@(var)countCats(var),adult(:,catVars),...

h = gca;
h.YTickLabel = VarNames(catVars);
ylabel 'Predictor'
xlabel 'Number of categories'
% The anonymous function |countCats| converts a predictor to a nominal
% array, then counts the unique, nonempty categories of the predictor.
% Predictor 14 (|'nativeCountry'|) has more than 40 categorical levels. For
% binary classification, <docid:stats_ug.bt6cr7t> uses a computational
% shortcut to find an optimal split for categorical predictors with many
% categories. For classification with more than two classes, you can choose
% a heuristic algorithm to find a good split. For details, see
% <docid:stats_ug.btttehe>.
% Specify the predictor matrix using
% |classreg.regr.modelutils.predictormatrix| and the response vector.
X = classreg.regr.modelutils.predictormatrix(adult,'ResponseVar',...
Y = nominal(adult.income);
% |X| is a numeric matrix; |predictormatrix| converts all categorical
% variables into group indices. The name-value pair argument |ResponseVar|
% indicates that the last column is the response variable, and excludes it
% from the predictor matrix. |Y| is a nominal, categorical array.
% Train classification ensembles using both |LogitBoost| and |GentleBoost|.
rng(1); % For reproducibility
LBEnsemble = fitensemble(X,Y,'LogitBoost',300,'Tree',...
GBEnsemble = fitensemble(X,Y,'GentleBoost',300,'Tree',...
% Examine the resubstitution error for both ensembles.
hold on
hold off
xlabel('Number of trees')
ylabel('Resubstitution error')
% The |GentleBoost| algorithm has a slightly smaller resubstitution error.
% Estimate the generalization error for both algorithms by cross validation.
CVLBEnsemble = crossval(LBEnsemble,'KFold',5);
CVGBEnsemble = crossval(GBEnsemble,'KFold',5);
hold on
hold off
xlabel('Number of trees')
ylabel('Cross-validated error')
% The cross-validated loss is nearly the same as the resubstitution error.