www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/ClassifyUsingDiscriminantAnalysisExample.m

    %% Classify Using Discriminant Analysis
% For training data, use Fisher's sepal measurements for iris versicolor
% and virginica:

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
SL = meas(51:end,1);
SW = meas(51:end,2);
group = species(51:end);
h1 = gscatter(SL,SW,group,'rb','v^',[],'off');
legend('Fisher versicolor','Fisher virginica',...
% Classify a grid of measurements on the same scale:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(linspace(4.5,8),linspace(2,4));
X = X(:); Y = Y(:);
[C,err,P,logp,coeff] = classify([X Y],[SL SW],...
% Visualize the classification:
hold on;
K = coeff(1,2).const;
L = coeff(1,2).linear; 
Q = coeff(1,2).quadratic;
% Function to compute K + L*v + v'*Q*v for multiple vectors
% v=[x;y]. Accepts x and y as scalars or column vectors.
f = @(x,y) K + [x y]*L + sum(([x y]*Q) .* [x y], 2);

h2 = ezplot(f,[4.5 8 2 4]);
axis([4.5 8 2 4])
xlabel('Sepal Length')
ylabel('Sepal Width')
title('{\bf Classification with Fisher Training Data}')