www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/CompactALinearRegressionModelExample.m

    %% Compact a Linear Regression Model
% This example shows how to reduce the size of a full, fitted linear
% regression model by discarding the sample data and some information
% related to the fitting process.

% Load the data into the workspace.

% The simulated sample data contains 15,000 observations and 45 predictor
% variables.

% Fit a simple linear regression model to the data.
mdl = fitlm(X,Y)

% Compact the model.
compactMdl = compact(mdl)

% The compact model discards the original sample data and some information
% related to the fitting process.

% Compare the size of the full model |mdl| and the compact model
% |compactMdl|.
vars = whos('compactMdl','mdl');

% The compacted model consumes less memory than the full model.