www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/CompareClassificationTreePredictorSelectionAlgorithmsExample.m

    %% Compare Classification Tree Predictor-Selection Algorithms 
% At each node, |fitctree| chooses the best predictor to split using an
% exhaustive search by default.  Alternatively, you can choose to split the
% predictor that shows the most evidence of dependence with the response by
% conducting curvature tests.  This example statistically compares
% classification trees grown via exhaustive search for the best splits and
% grown by conducting curvature tests with interaction.
% Load the |census1994| data set.
load census1994.mat
rng(1) % For reproducibility
% Grow a default classification tree using the training set, |adultdata|, which is a table.
% The response-variable name is |'salary'|. 
C1 = fitctree(adultdata,'salary')
% |C1| is a full |ClassificationTree| model.  Its |ResponseName| property
% is |'salary'|.  |C1| uses an exhaustive search to find the best predictor
% to split on based on maximal splitting gain.
% Grow another classification tree using the same data set, but specify to
% find the best predictor to split using the curvature test with
% interaction.
C2 = fitctree(adultdata,'salary','PredictorSelection','interaction-curvature')
% |C2| also is a full |ClassificationTree| model with |ResponseName|
% equal to |'salary'|.
% Conduct a 5-by-2 paired _F_ test to compare the accuracies of the two
% models using the training set.  Because the response-variable names in
% the data sets and the |ResponseName| properties are all equal, and the
% response data in both sets are equal, you can omit supplying the response
% data.
h = testckfold(C1,C2,adultdata,adultdata)
% |h = 0| indicates to not reject the null hypothesis that |C1| and |C2|
% have the same accuracies at 5% level.