www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/ComparePerformanceOfLinearAndNonlinearSVMExample.m

    %% Compare the Performance of Linear and Nonlinear SVM
% This exmaple shows how to use misclassification rates to compare two
% implementations of SVM.
% Randomly generate data from two bivariate Gaussian distributions with means
% $\mu_1$ and $\mu_2$, and covariance matrices $\Sigma_1$ and $\Sigma_2$.
% $$\mu_1=\left[\matrix{1\cr 1}\right], \mu_2=\left[\matrix{3\cr 2}\right],\Sigma_1 = \left[\matrix{0.25 & 0\cr 0& 0.25}\right],\Sigma_2 = \left[\matrix{2 & 0\cr 0& 2}\right].$$

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

rng(1); % For reproducibility
n = 1000;

Mu = [1 1;3 2];      % Mean matrix
Sigma = 0.25*eye(2); % Covariance matrices
Sigma(:,:,2) = 2*eye(2);

GMDist = gmdistribution(Mu,Sigma);
[X,idx1] = random(GMDist,n);
% For illustration, assign the class 1 sample units that are close to the
% center of class 0 to class 0.  Recode to a 0\1 response.
idx2 = idx1 == 2 & sqrt(X(:,1).^2-1) < 1.25 & sqrt(X(:,2).^2-1) < 1.25;
idx1(idx2,:) = 1;
y = idx1 - 1;
% Train the SVM classifier using the full data set.  Use the default linear kernel option.
EstMdlLIN = svmtrain(X,y,'showplot','true');
% The plot displays the linear decisiom boundary, and circles the support
% vectors.
% Train the SVM classifier using the full data set.  Use the Gaussian radial basis kernel.
EstMdlRBF = svmtrain(X,y,'showplot','true','kernel_function','rbf');
% The plot displays the nonlinear decision boundary, and circles the
% support vectors.
% Examine the training set misclassification rates for both algorithms.
predLIN = svmclassify(EstMdlLIN,X);
misclassLIN = sum(y~=predLIN)/n

predRBF = svmclassify(EstMdlRBF,X);
misclassRBF = sum(y~=predRBF)/n
% |misclassLIN| > |misclassRBF|, therefore, the SVM that uses a Gaussian
% radial basis kernel is a better classifier for the traning set.
% There are a number of other steps you can take to improve the algorithm.
% You can:
% * Adjust the standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel by setting |'rbf_sigma'|.
% * Adjust the allowance given to sample units that cross the margin by
% setting |'boxconstraint'|.
% * Use a different kernel by setting |'kernel_function'|
% In order to properly assess the performance of a trained algorithm, it is
% best practice to partition the data set into training and validation
% sets.  Examine the misclassification rates for both sets among all
% algorithms, and choose the algorithm that performs the best.