www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/ComputePointwiseConfidenceIntervalsForROCCurveExample.m

    %% Compute Pointwise Confidence Intervals for ROC Curve
% Load the sample data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
% The column vector |species| consists of iris flowers of three different
% species: setosa, versicolor, virginica. The double matrix |meas| consists
% of four types of measurements on the flowers: sepal length, sepal width,
% petal length, and petal width. All measures are in centimeters.
% Use only the first two features as predictor variables. Define a binary
% problem by using only the measurements that correspond to the
% versicolor and virginica species.
pred = meas(51:end,1:2);
% Define the binary response variable.
resp = (1:100)'>50;  % Versicolor = 0, virginica = 1
% Fit a logistic regression model.
mdl = fitglm(pred,resp,'Distribution','binomial','Link','logit');
% Compute the pointwise confidence intervals on the true positive rate (TPR) by
% vertical averaging (VA) and sampling using bootstrap.
[X,Y,T] = perfcurve(species(51:end,:),mdl.Fitted.Probability,...
% |'NBoot',1000| sets the number of bootstrap replicas to 1000.
% |'XVals','All'| prompts |perfcurve| to return |X|, |Y|, and |T| values
% for all scores, and average the |Y| values (true positive rate) at
% all |X| values (false positive rate) using vertical
% averaging. If you do not specify |XVals|, then |perfcurve| computes
% the confidence bounds using threshold averaging by default.
% Plot the pointwise confidence intervals.
xlim([-0.02,1.02]); ylim([-0.02,1.02]);
xlabel('False positive rate') 
ylabel('True positive rate')
title('ROC Curve with Pointwise Confidence Bounds')
% It might not always be possible to control the false positive rate (FPR,
% the |X| value in this example). So you might want to compute the pointwise
% confidence intervals on true positive rates (TPR) by threshold averaging.
[X1,Y1,T1] = perfcurve(species(51:end,:),mdl.Fitted.Probability,...
% If you set |'TVals'| to |'All'|, or if you do not specify |'TVals'| or |'Xvals'|, then
% |perfcurve| returns |X|, |Y|, and |T| values for all scores and computes
% pointwise confidence bounds for |X| and |Y| using threshold averaging.
% Plot the confidence bounds.
xlim([-0.02,1.02]); ylim([-0.02,1.02]);
xlabel('False positive rate')
ylabel('True positive rate')
title('ROC Curve with Pointwise Confidence Bounds')
% Specify the threshold values to fix and compute the ROC curve. Then plot
% the curve.
[X1,Y1,T1] = perfcurve(species(51:end,:),mdl.Fitted.Probability,...
xlim([-0.02,1.02]); ylim([-0.02,1.02]);
xlabel('False positive rate')
ylabel('True positive rate')
title('ROC Curve with Pointwise Confidence Bounds')