www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/ComputeRegressionLossforTestDataExample.m

    %% Compute Regression Loss for Test Data  

% Load the sample data. 

% The data has 8 predictor variables and contains 500 observations in training
% data and 100 observations in test data. This is simulated data.  

% Fit a GPR model using the squared exponential kernel function with separate
% length scales for each predictor. Standardize the predictor values in
% the training data. Use the exact method for fitting and prediction. 
gprMdl = fitrgp(Xtrain,ytrain,'FitMethod','exact',...

% Compute the regression error for the test data. 
L = loss(gprMdl,Xtest,ytest)  

% Predict the responses for test data. 
ypredtest = predict(gprMdl,Xtest);  

% Plot the test response along with the predictions. 
hold on;

% Manually compute the regression loss. 
L = (ytest - ypredtest)'*(ytest - ypredtest)/length(ytest)