www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/CreateADefaultECOCClassificationLearnerTemplateExample.m

    %% Create a Default ECOC Classification Learner Template
% Use |templateECOC| to create a default ECOC template.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

t = templateECOC()
% All properties of the template object are empty except for |Method| and
% |Type|.  When you pass |t| to <docid:stats_ug.bupt2n5 testckfold>, the
% software fills in the empty properties with their respective default
% values. For example, the software fills the |BinaryLearners| property
% with |'SVM'|.  For details on other default values, see
% <docid:stats_ug.bue3oc9 fitcecoc>.
% |t| is a plan for an ECOC learner. When you create it, no computation
% occurs.  You can pass |t| to |testckfold| to specify a plan for an ECOC
% classification model to statistically compare with another model.