www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/CreateOrdinalArraysExample.m

    %% Create Ordinal Arrays  
% This example shows how to create ordinal arrays using |ordinal|.   

%% Load sample data. 
AllSizes = {'medium','large','small','small','medium',...

% The created variable, |AllSizes|, is a cell array of character vectors
% containing size measurements on eight objects.

%% Create an ordinal array. 
% Create an ordinal array with category levels and labels corresponding
% to the values in the cell array (the default levels and labels). 
sizeOrd = ordinal(AllSizes);

%% Explore category labels. 
% By default, |ordinal| uses the original character vectors as category labels. The
% default order of the categories is ascending alphabetical order. 

%% Add additional categories. 
% Suppose that you want to include additional levels for the ordinal array,
% |xsmall| and |xlarge|, even though they do not occur in the original data.
% To specify additional levels, use the third input argument to |ordinal|. 
sizeOrd2 = ordinal(AllSizes,{},...

%% Explore category labels. 
% To see which levels are actually present in the data, use |unique|. 

%% Specify the category order. 
% Convert |AllSizes| to an ordinal array with categories |small| < |medium|
% < |large|. Generally, an ordinal array is distinct from a nominal array
% because there is a natural ordering for levels of an ordinal array. You
% can use the third input argument to |ordinal| to specify the ascending
% order of the levels. Here, the order of the levels is smallest to largest. 
sizeOrd = ordinal(AllSizes,{},{'small','medium','large'});

% The second input argument for |ordinal| is a list of labels for the category
% levels. When you use braces |{}| for the level labels, |ordinal| uses
% the labels specified in the third input argument (the labels come from
% the levels present in the data if only one input argument is used).  

%% Compare elements. 
% Verify that the first object (with size |medium|) is smaller than the
% second object (with size |large|). 
sizeOrd(1) < sizeOrd(2) 

% The logical value |1| indicates that the inequality holds.