www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/CrossValidateAnSVMClassifierUsingCrossvalExample.m

    %% Cross Validate an SVM Classifier Using crossval
% Load the |ionosphere| data set.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load ionosphere
rng(1); % For reproducibility
% Train an SVM classifier. It is good
% practice to standardize the predictors and define the class order.
SVMModel = fitcsvm(X,Y,'Standardize',true,'ClassNames',{'b','g'});
% |SVMModel| is a trained |ClassificationSVM| classifier. |'b'| is the
% negative class and |'g'| is the positive class.
% Cross validate the classifier using 10-fold cross validation.
CVSVMModel = crossval(SVMModel)
FirstModel = CVSVMModel.Trained{1}
% |CVSVMModel| is a |ClassificationPartitionedModel| cross-validated
% classifier. The software:
% # Randomly partitions the data into 10, equally sized sets.
% # Trains an SVM classifier on nine of the sets.
% # Repeats steps 1 and 2 _k_ = 10 times. It leaves out one of the
% partitions each time, and trains on the other nine partitions.
% # Combines generalization statistics for each fold.
% |FirstModel| is the first of the 10 trained classifiers.  It is a
% |CompactClassificationSVM| classifier.
% You can estimate the generalization error by passing |CVSVMModel| to
% |kfoldLoss|.