www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/EmpiricalSurvivorFunctionwith99ConfidenceBoundsExample.m

    %% Empirical Survivor Function with 99% Confidence Bounds  
% Generate survival data and plot the empirical survivor function with 99%
% confidence bounds.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Generate lifetime data from a Weibull distribution with parameters 100 and 2. 
rng default  % for reproducibility 
R = wblrnd(100,2,100,1);  

% Plot the survivor function for the data with 99% confidence bounds. 
hold on  

% Fit the Weibull survivor function. 
x = 1:1:250;
wblsurv = 1-cdf('weibull',x,100,2);

% The survivor function based on the actual distribution is within the confidence
% bounds.