www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/EstimateClassPosteriorProbabilitiesUsingAClassExample.m

    %% Estimate Class Posterior Probabilities Using a Classification Tree
% Load Fisher's iris data set.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
% Partition the data into training (50%) and validation (50%) sets.
n = size(meas,1);
rng(1) % For reproducibility
idxTrn = false(n,1);
idxTrn(randsample(n,round(0.5*n))) = true; % Training set logical indices
idxVal = idxTrn == false;                  % Validation set logical indices
% Grow a classification tree using the training set, and then view it.
Mdl = fitctree(meas(idxTrn,:),species(idxTrn));
% The resulting tree has four levels.
% Estimate posterior probabilities for the test set using subtrees pruned
% to levels 1 and 3.
[~,Posterior] = predict(Mdl,meas(idxVal,:),'SubTrees',[1 3]);
    % Display several posterior probabilities
% The elements of |Posterior| are class posterior probabilities:
% * Rows correspond to observations in the validation set.
% * Columns correspond to the classes as listed in
% |Mdl.ClassNames|.
% * Pages correspond to the subtrees.
% The subtree pruned to level 1 is more sure of its predictions than the
% subtree pruned to level 3 (i.e., the root node).