www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/EstimateConditionalCumulativeDistributionQuantileRegExample.m

    %% Estimate Conditional Cumulative Distribution Using Quantile Regression
% Load the |carsmall| data set.  Consider a model that predicts the fuel
% economy of a car given its engine displacement.
load carsmall
% Train an ensemble of bagged regression trees using the entire data set.
% Specify 100 weak learners.
rng(1); % For reproducibility
Mdl = TreeBagger(100,Displacement,MPG,'Method','regression');
% Estimate the response weights for a random sample of four training
% observations.  Plot the training sample and identify the chosen
% observations.
[predX,idx] = datasample(Mdl.X,4);
[~,YW] = quantilePredict(Mdl,predX);
n = numel(Mdl.Y);

hold on
text(predX-10,Mdl.Y(idx)+1.5,{'obs. 1' 'obs. 2' 'obs. 3' 'obs. 4'});
legend('Training Data','Chosen Observations');
xlabel('Engine displacement')
ylabel('Fuel economy')
hold off
% |YW| is an |n|-by-4 sparse matrix containing the response weights.
% Columns correspond to test observations and rows correspond to responses
% in the training sample. Response weights are independent of the
% specified quantile probability.
% Estimate the conditional cumulative distribution function (C.C.D.F.) of
% the responses by:
% # Sorting the responses is ascending order, and then sorting the response
% weights using the indices induced by sorting the responses.
% # Computing the cumulative sums over each column of the sorted response
% weights.
[sortY,sortIdx] = sort(Mdl.Y);
cpdf = full(YW(sortIdx,:));
ccdf = cumsum(cpdf);
% |ccdf(:,j)| is the empirical C.C.D.F. of the
% response given test observation |j|.
% Plot the four empirical C.C.D.F. in the same figure.
legend('C.C.D.F. given test obs. 1','C.C.D.F. given test obs. 2',...
    'C.C.D.F. given test obs. 3','C.C.D.F. given test obs. 4',...
title('Conditional Cumulative Distribution Functions')
xlabel('Fuel economy')
ylabel('Empirical CDF')