www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/EstimateScoreTransformationFunctionForInseparableClassesExample.m

    %% Fit the Score-to-Posterior Probability Function for Separable Classes
% Load Fisher's iris data set. Train the classifier using the petal
% lengths and widths, and remove the virginica species from the data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
classKeep = ~strcmp(species,'virginica');
X = meas(classKeep,3:4);
y = species(classKeep);

title('Scatter Diagram of Iris Measurements')
xlabel('Petal length')
ylabel('Petal width')
% The classes are perfectly separable.  Therefore, the score transformation
% function is a step function.
% Train an SVM classifier using the data. Cross validate the classifer
% using 10-fold cross validation (the default).
CVSVMModel = fitcsvm(X,y,'CrossVal','on');
% |CVSVMModel| is a trained |ClassificationPartitionedModel| SVM
% classifier.
% Estimate the step function that transforms scores to posterior
% probabilities.
[ScoreCVSVMModel,ScoreParameters] = fitSVMPosterior(CVSVMModel);
% |fitSVMPosterior| does the following:
% * Uses the data that the software stored in |CVSVMModel| to fit the
% transformation function
% * Warns whenever the classes are separable
% * Stores the step function in |ScoreCSVMModel.ScoreTransform|
% Display the score function type and its parameter values.
% |ScoreParameters| is a structure array with four fields: 
% * The score transformation function type (|Type|)
% * The score corresponding to the negative class boundary (|LowerBound|)
% * The score corresponding to the positive class boundary (|UpperBound|)
% * The positive class probability (|PositiveClassProbability|)
% Since the classes are separable, the step function transforms the score
% to either |0| or |1|, which is the posterior probability that an observation is a
% versicolor iris.