www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/EstimateTheScoreTransformationFunctionForInseparableClasExample.m

    %% Estimate Posterior Probabilities for New Data When Classes Are Inseparable
% Load the |ionosphere| data set.  Reserve 20 random observations of the
% data, and consider this set new data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load ionosphere
n = size(X,1);
rng(1);  % For reproducibility

indx = ~ismember([1:n],randsample(n,20)); % Indices for the training data
% The classes of this data set are inseparable.
% Train an SVM classifier using the training data. It is
% good practice to specify the class order and standardize the data.
SVMModel = fitcsvm(X(indx,:),Y(indx),'ClassNames',{'b','g'},...
% |SVMModel| is a |ClassificationSVM| classifier.
% Use the new data set to estimate the optimal
% score-to-posterior-probability transformation function for mapping scores
% to the posterior probability of an observation being classified as |g|.
% For efficiency, make a compact version of the SVM classifier |SVMModel|,
% and pass it and the new data to |fitPosterior|.
CompactSVMModel = compact(SVMModel);
[ScoreCSVMModel,ScoreParameters] = fitPosterior(CompactSVMModel,...

ScoreTransform = ScoreCSVMModel.ScoreTransform
% |ScoreTransform| is the optimal score transform function.
% |ScoreParameters| is a structure array having three fields: the score
% transformation function name (|Type|), the sigmoid slope (|Slope|) 
% and sigmoid intercept (|Intercept|) estimates.
% Alternatively, you can pass |SVMModel| and the new data to
% |fitSVMPosterior|, but this does not have the benefit of efficiency.
% Estimate the posterior probabilities that the observations in the new
% data are in class |g|.
[labels,postProbs] = predict(ScoreCSVMModel,X(~indx,:));