www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/FindEnsembleSizeUsingOOBQuantileRegressionErrorExample.m

    %% Find Appropriate Ensemble Size Using Out-of-Bag Quantile Regression Error
% Load the |carsmall| data set.  Consider a model that predicts the fuel
% economy of a car given its engine displacement, weight, and number of
% cylinders.
load carsmall
X = table(Displacement,Weight,Cylinders,MPG);
% Train an ensemble of bagged regression trees using the entire data set.
% Specify 250 weak learners and save the out-of-bag indices.
rng('default'); % For reproducibility
Mdl = TreeBagger(250,X,'MPG','Method','regression',...
% Estimate the cumulative; out-of-bag; 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75
% quantile regression errors.  
err = oobQuantileError(Mdl,'Quantile',[0.25 0.5 0.75],'Mode','cumulative');
% |err| is an 250-by-3 matrix of cumulative, out-of-bag, quantile
% regression errors. Columns correspond to quantile probabilities and rows
% correspond to trees in the ensemble.  The errors are cumulative, so they
% incorporate aggregated predictions from previous trees.
% Plot the cumulative, out-of-bag, quantile errors on the same plot.
legend('0.25 quantile error','0.5 quantile error','0.75 quantile error');
ylabel('Out-of-bag quantile error');
xlabel('Tree index');
title('Cumulative, Out-of-Bag, Quantile Regression Error')
% All quantile error curves appear to level off after training about 50
% trees. So, training 50 trees appears to be sufficient to achieve minimal
% quantile error for the three quantile probabilities.