www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/FitLinearMixedEffectsModelExample.m

    %% Fit Linear Mixed-Effects Model  

% Load the sample data. 
load imports-85  

% Store the variables in a table. 
tbl = table(X(:,12),X(:,14),X(:,24),'VariableNames',{'Horsepower','CityMPG','EngineType'});  

% Display the first five rows of the table. 

% Fit a linear mixed-effects model for miles per gallon in the city, with
% fixed effects for horsepower, and uncorrelated random effect for intercept
% and horsepower grouped by the engine type. 
lme = fitlme(tbl,'CityMPG~Horsepower+(1|EngineType)+(Horsepower-1|EngineType)'); 

% In this model, |CityMPG| is the response variable, horsepower is the predictor
% variable, and engine type is the grouping variable. The fixed-effects
% portion of the model corresponds to |1 + Horsepower|, because the intercept
% is included by default. 

% Since the random-effect terms for intercept and horsepower are uncorrelated,
% these terms are specified separately. Because the second random-effect
% term is only for horsepower, you must include a |–1| to eliminate the
% intercept from the second random-effect term.  

% Display the model. 

% Note that the random-effects covariance parameters for intercept and horsepower
% are separate in the display.  

% Now, fit a linear mixed-effects model for miles per gallon in the city,
% with the same fixed-effects term and potentially correlated random effect
% for intercept and horsepower grouped by the engine type. 
lme2 = fitlme(tbl,'CityMPG~Horsepower+(Horsepower|EngineType)'); 

% Because the random-effect term includes the intercept by default, you
% do not have to add |1|, the random effect term is equivalent to |(1 +
% Horsepower|EngineType)|.  

% Display the model. 

% Note that the random effects covariance parameters for intercept and horsepower
% are together in the display, and it includes the correlation (|'corr'|)
% between the intercept and horsepower.