www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/FitaKernelDistributionObjecttoDataExample.m

    %% Fit a Kernel Distribution Object to Data  

% Load the sample data. Visualize the patient weight data using a histogram. 
load hospital

% The histogram shows that the data has two modes, one for female patients
% and one for male patients.  

% Create a probability distribution object by fitting a kernel distribution
% to the patient weight data. 
pd_kernel = fitdist(hospital.Weight,'Kernel')  

% For comparison, create another probability distribution object by fitting
% a normal distribution to the patient weight data. 
pd_normal = fitdist(hospital.Weight,'Normal')  

% Define the x values and compute the pdf of each distribution. 
x = 50:1:250;
pdf_kernel = pdf(pd_kernel,x);
pdf_normal = pdf(pd_normal,x);  

% Plot the pdf of each distribution. 
hold on;
legend('Kernel Distribution','Normal Distribution','Location','SouthEast');
hold off;    

% Fitting a kernel distribution instead of a unimodal distribution such
% as the normal reveals the separate modes for the female and male patients.