www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/GaussianMixtureModelsExample.m

    %% Cluster Data from Mixture of Gaussian Distributions
% This example shows how to cluster simulated data from a mixture of Gaussian 
% distributions, and how to work with |gmdistribution| objects.  
% Gaussian mixture models can be used for clustering data, by
% realizing that the multivariate normal components of the fitted model can
% represent clusters.
%% Simulate Data from a Mixture of Gaussian Distributions
% Simulate data from a mixture of two bivariate Gaussian distributions
% using <docid:stats_ug.f1130139 mvnrnd>.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

rng default;  % For reproducibility
mu1 = [1 2];
sigma1 = [3 .2; .2 2];
mu2 = [-1 -2];
sigma2 = [2 0; 0 1];
X = [mvnrnd(mu1,sigma1,200); mvnrnd(mu2,sigma2,100)];
n = size(X,1);

%% Fit the Simulated Data to a Gaussian Mixture Model
% Fit a two-component Gaussian mixture model (GMM). Here, you know the
% correct number of components to use. In practice, with real data, this
% decision would require comparing models with different numbers of
% components.  Also, request to display the final iteration of the
% expectation-maximization fitting routine.
options = statset('Display','final'); 
gm = fitgmdist(X,2,'Options',options)
% Plot the estimated probability density contours for the two-component
% mixture distribution. The two bivariate normal components overlap, but
% their peaks are distinct. This suggests that the data could reasonably be
% divided into two clusters.
hold on
ezcontour(@(x,y)pdf(gm,[x y]),[-8 6],[-8 6]);
title('Scatter Plot and Fitted GMM Contour')
hold off
%% Cluster the Data Using the Fitted GMM
% <docid:stats_ug.brx2uny-1 cluster> implements "hard clustering", a method
% that assigns each data point to exactly one cluster. For GMM, |cluster|
% assigns each point to one of the two mixture components in the GMM. The
% center of each cluster is the corresponding mixture component mean. For
% details on "soft clustering," see <docid:stats_ug.buqq83f>.
% Partition the data into clusters by passing the fitted GMM and the data
% to |cluster|.
idx = cluster(gm,X);
cluster1 = (idx == 1); % |1| for cluster 1 membership
cluster2 = (idx == 2); % |2| for cluster 2 membership

legend('Cluster 1','Cluster 2','Location','NorthWest');
% Each cluster corresponds to one of the bivariate normal components in the
% mixture distribution. |cluster| assigns data to clusters based on a
% cluster membership score. Each cluster membership scores is the estimated
% posterior probability that the data point came from the corresponding
% component. |cluster| assigns each point to the mixture component
% corresponding to the highest posterior probability.
% You can estimate cluster membership posterior probabilities by passing
% the fitted GMM and data to either:
% * <docid:stats_ug.brx2uys-1 posterior>
% * |cluster|, and request to return the third output argument
%% Estimate Cluster Membership Posterior Probabilities
% Estimate and plot the posterior probability of the first component for
% each point.
P = posterior(gm,X); 

hold on
hold off
clrmap = jet(80);
ylabel(colorbar,'Component 1 Posterior Probability')
title('Scatter Plot and Cluster 1 Posterior Probabilites')
% |P| is an |n|-by-2 matrix of cluster membership posterior probabilities.
% The first column contains the probabilities for cluster 1 and the second
% column corresponds to cluster 2.
%% Assign New Data to Clusters
% You can also use the |cluster| method to assign new data points to the
% mixture components found in the original data. 
% Simulate new data from a mixture of Gaussian distributions.  Rather than
% using |mvnrnd|, you can create a GMM with the true mixture component
% means and standard deviations using <docid:stats_ug.brx1emd-1
% gmdistribution>, and then pass the GMM to <docid:stats_ug.brx2uz9-1
% random> to simulate data.
Mu = [mu1; mu2]; 
Sigma = cat(3,sigma1,sigma2); 
p = [0.75 0.25]; % Mixing proportions

gmTrue = gmdistribution(Mu,Sigma,p);
X0 = random(gmTrue,75);
% Assign clusters to the new data by pass the fitted GMM (|gm|) and the new
% data to |cluster|.  Request cluster membership posterior probabilities.
[idx0,~,P0] = cluster(gm,X0);

ezcontour(@(x,y)pdf(gm,[x y]),[min(X0(:,1)) max(X0(:,1))],...
    [min(X0(:,2)) max(X0(:,2))]);
hold on;
legend('Fitted GMM Contour','Cluster 1','Cluster 2','Location','NorthWest');
title('New Data Cluster Assignments')
hold off;
% For |cluster| to provide meaningful results when clustering new data,
% |X0| should come from the same population as |X|, the original data used
% to create the mixture distribution. In particular, when computing the
% posterior probabilities for |X0|, |cluster| and |posterior| use the
% estimated mixing probabilities.