www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/GrowADefaultkdTreeExample.m

    %% Grow a Default _K_ d-Tree
% Load Fisher's iris data set.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
X = meas;
[n,k] = size(X)
% |X| has 150 observations and 4 predictors.
% Grow a 4-dimensional _K_ d-tree using the entire data set as training data.
Mdl = KDTreeSearcher(X)
% |Mdl| is a |KDTreeSearcher| model object, and its properties appear in
% the Command Window. It contains information about the grown 4-dimensional
% _K_ d-tree, such as the distance metric.  You can alter property values
% using dot notation
% To find the nearest neighbors in |X| to a batch of query data, pass |Mdl|
% and the query data to |knnsearch| or |rangesearch|.