www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/MixedEffectsModelsUsingNlmefitAndNlmefitsaExample.m

    %% Mixed-Effects Models Using nlmefit and nlmefitsa
% Load the sample data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load indomethacin
% The data in |indomethacin.mat| records concentrations of the drug
% indomethacin in the bloodstream of six subjects over eight hours.
% Plot the scatter plot of indomethacin in the bloodstream grouped by
% subject.
xlabel('Time (hours)')
ylabel('Concentration (mcg/ml)')
title('{\bf Indomethacin Elimination}')
hold on
% |Specifying Mixed-Effects Models| page discusses a useful model for this type
% of data.
% Construct the model via an anonymous function.
model = @(phi,t)(phi(1)*exp(-exp(phi(2))*t) + ...
% Use the |nlinfit| function to fit the model to all of the data, ignoring
% subject-specific effects.
phi0 = [1 2 1 1];
[phi,res] = nlinfit(time,concentration,model,phi0);
% Compute the mean squared error.
numObs = length(time);
numParams = 4;
df = numObs-numParams;
mse = (res'*res)/df
% Super impose the model on the scatter plot of data.
tplot = 0:0.01:8;
hold off
% Draw the box-plot of residuals by subject.
colors = 'rygcbm';
h = boxplot(res,subject,'colors',colors,'symbol','o');
hold on
grid on
hold off
% The box plot of residuals by subject shows that the boxes are mostly
% above or below zero, indicating that the model has failed to account for
% subject-specific effects.
% To account for subject-specific effects, fit the model separately to the
% data for each subject.
phi0 = [1 2 1 1];
PHI = zeros(4,6);
RES = zeros(11,6);
for I = 1:6
    tI = time(subject == I);
    cI = concentration(subject == I);
    [PHI(:,I),RES(:,I)] = nlinfit(tI,cI,model,phi0);
% Compute the mean squared error.
numParams = 24;
df = numObs-numParams;
mse = (RES(:)'*RES(:))/df
% Plot the scatter plot of the data and superimpose the model for each
% subject.
xlabel('Time (hours)')
ylabel('Concentration (mcg/ml)')
title('{\bf Indomethacin Elimination}')
hold on
for I = 1:6
axis([0 8 0 3.5])
hold off
% |PHI| gives estimates of the four model parameters for each of the six
% subjects. The estimates vary considerably, but taken as a 24-parameter
% model of the data, the mean-squared error of 0.0057 is a significant
% reduction from 0.0304 in the original four-parameter model.
% Draw the box plot of residuals by subject.
h = boxplot(RES,'colors',colors,'symbol','o');
hold on
grid on
hold off
% Now the box plot shows that the larger model accounts for most of the
% subject-specific effects. The spread of the residuals (the vertical scale
% of the box plot) is much smaller than in the previous box plot, and the
% boxes are now mostly centered on zero.
% While the 24-parameter model successfully accounts for variations due to
% the specific subjects in the study, it does not consider the subjects as
% representatives of a larger population. The sampling distribution from
% which the subjects are drawn is likely more interesting than the sample
% itself. The purpose of mixed-effects models is to account for
% subject-specific variations more broadly, as random effects varying
% around population means.
% Use the |nlmefit| function to fit a mixed-effects model to the data. You
% can also use |nlmefitsa| in place of |nlmefit| .
% The following anonymous function, |nlme_model| , adapts the
% four-parameter model used by |nlinfit| to the calling syntax of |nlmefit|
% by allowing separate parameters for each individual. By default,
% |nlmefit| assigns random effects to all the model parameters. Also by
% default, |nlmefit| assumes a diagonal covariance matrix (no covariance
% among the random effects) to avoid overparametrization and related
% convergence issues.
nlme_model = @(PHI,t)(PHI(:,1).*exp(-exp(PHI(:,2)).*t) + ...
phi0 = [1 2 1 1];
[phi,PSI,stats] = nlmefit(time,concentration,subject, ...
% The mean-squared error of 0.0066 is comparable to the 0.0057 of the
% 24-parameter model without random effects, and significantly better than
% the 0.0304 of the four-parameter model without random effects.
% The estimated covariance matrix |PSI| shows that the variance of the
% fourth random effect is essentially zero, suggesting that you can remove
% it to simplify the model. To do this, use the |'REParamsSelect'|
% name-value pair to specify the indices of the parameters to be modeled
% with random effects in |nlmefit| .
[phi,PSI,stats] = nlmefit(time,concentration,subject, ...
                          [],nlme_model,phi0, ...
                          'REParamsSelect',[1 2 3])
% The log-likelihood |logl| is almost identical to what it was with random
% effects for all of the parameters, the Akaike information criterion |aic|
% is reduced from -91.1765 to -93.1750, and the Bayesian information
% criterion |bic| is reduced from -93.0506 to -94.8410. These measures
% support the decision to drop the fourth random effect.
% Refitting the simplified model with a full covariance matrix allows for
% identification of correlations among the random effects. To do this, use
% the |CovPattern| parameter to specify the pattern of nonzero elements in
% the covariance matrix.
[phi,PSI,stats] = nlmefit(time,concentration,subject, ...
                          [],nlme_model,phi0, ...
                          'REParamsSelect',[1 2 3], ...
% The estimated covariance matrix |PSI| shows that the random effects on
% the first two parameters have a relatively strong correlation, and both
% have a relatively weak correlation with the last random effect. This
% structure in the covariance matrix is more apparent if you convert |PSI|
% to a correlation matrix using |corrcov| .
RHO = corrcov(PSI)
set(gca,'XTick',[1 2 3],'YTick',[1 2 3])
title('{\bf Random Effect Correlation}')
h = colorbar;
% Incorporate this structure into the model by changing the specification
% of the covariance pattern to block-diagonal.
P = [1 1 0;1 1 0;0 0 1] % Covariance pattern
[phi,PSI,stats,b] = nlmefit(time,concentration,subject, ...
                            [],nlme_model,phi0, ...
                            'REParamsSelect',[1 2 3], ...
% The block-diagonal covariance structure reduces |aic| from -94.9462 to
% -98.1608 and |bic| from -97.2368 to -100.0350 without significantly
% affecting the log-likelihood. These measures support the covariance
% structure used in the final model. The output |b| gives predictions of
% the three random effects for each of the six subjects. These are combined
% with the estimates of the fixed effects in |phi| to produce the
% mixed-effects model.
% Plot the mixed-effects model for each of the six subjects. For
% comparison, the model without random effects is also shown.
PHI = repmat(phi,1,6) + ...                 % Fixed effects
      [b(1,:);b(2,:);b(3,:);zeros(1,6)];    % Random effects
RES = zeros(11,6); % Residuals
colors = 'rygcbm';
for I = 1:6
    fitted_model = @(t)(PHI(1,I)*exp(-exp(PHI(2,I))*t) + ...
    tI = time(subject == I);
    cI = concentration(subject == I);
    RES(:,I) = cI - fitted_model(tI);
    hold on
    axis([0 8 0 3.5])
    xlabel('Time (hours)')
    ylabel('Concentration (mcg/ml)')
% If obvious outliers in the data (visible in previous box plots) are
% ignored, a normal probability plot of the residuals shows reasonable
% agreement with model assumptions on the errors.
clf; normplot(RES(:))