www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/ModifyKNNClassifierExample.m

    %% Modify KNN Classifier
% This example shows how to modify a _k_-nearest neighbor classifier.
% Construct a KNN classifier for the Fisher iris data as in
% <docid:stats_ug.btap7k2>.
load fisheriris
X = meas;    
Y = species; 
Mdl = fitcknn(X,Y,'NumNeighbors',4);
% Modify the model to use the three nearest neighbors, rather than the
% default one nearest neighbor.
Mdl.NumNeighbors = 3;
% Compare the resubstitution predictions and cross-validation loss with the
% new number of neighbors.
loss = resubLoss(Mdl)

rng(10); % For reproducibility
CVMdl = crossval(Mdl,'KFold',5);
kloss = kfoldLoss(CVMdl)
% In this case, the model with three neighbors has the same cross-validated
% loss as the model with four neighbors (see <docid:stats_ug.btap7l_>).
% Modify the model to use cosine distance instead of the default, and
% examine the loss. To use cosine distance, you must recreate the model
% using the exhaustive search method.
CMdl = fitcknn(X,Y,'NSMethod','exhaustive','Distance','cosine');
CMdl.NumNeighbors = 3;
closs = resubLoss(CMdl)
% The classifier now has lower resubstitution error than before.
% Check the quality of a cross-validated version of the new model.
CVCMdl = crossval(CMdl);
kcloss = kfoldLoss(CVCMdl)
% |CVCMdl| has a better cross-validated loss than |CVMdl|. However, in
% general, improving the resubstitution error does not necessarily produce
% a model with better test-sample predictions.