www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/NonlinearMixedEffectsAlgorithmWithStochasticEMAlgorithmExample.m

    %% Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Model with Stochastic EM Algorithm
% Load the sample data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load indomethacin
% Fit a model to data on concentrations of the drug indomethacin in the
% bloodstream of six subjects over eight hours.
model = @(phi,t)(phi(:,1).*exp(-phi(:,2).*t)+phi(:,3).*exp(-phi(:,4).*t));
phi0 = [1 1 1 1];
xform = [0 1 0 1]; % log transform for 2nd and 4th parameters
[beta,PSI,stats,br] = nlmefitsa(time,concentration,...
% Plot the data along with an overall population fit
phi = [beta(1), exp(beta(2)), beta(3), exp(beta(4))]; 
h = gscatter(time,concentration,subject);
xlabel('Time (hours)')
ylabel('Concentration (mcg/ml)')
title('{\bf Indomethacin Elimination}')
xx = linspace(0,8);
% Plot individual curves based on random-effect estimates.
for j=1:6
    phir = [beta(1)+br(1,j), exp(beta(2)+br(2,j)), ...
            beta(3)+br(3,j), exp(beta(4)+br(4,j))];