www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/OptimizeABoostedRegressionEnsembleExample.m

    %% Optimize a Boosted Regression Ensemble
% This example shows how to optimize hyperparameters of a boosted
% regression ensemble. The optimization minimizes the cross-validation loss
% of the model.
% The problem is to model the efficiency in miles per gallon of an
% automobile, based on its acceleration, engine displacement, horsepower,
% and weight. Load the |carsmall| data, which contains these and other
% predictors.
load carsmall
X = [Acceleration Displacement Horsepower Weight];
Y = MPG;
% Fit a regression ensemble to the data using the |LSBoost| algorithm, and
% using surogate splits. Optimize the resulting model by varying the number
% of learning cycles, the maximum number of surrogate splits, and the learn
% rate. Furthermore, allow the optimization to repartition the
% cross-validation between every iteration.
% For reproducibility, set the random seed and use the
% |'expected-improvement-plus'| acquisition function.
rng default
Mdl = fitrensemble(X,Y,...
% Compare the loss to that of a boosted, unoptimized model, and to that of
% the default ensemble.
loss = kfoldLoss(crossval(Mdl,'kfold',10))
Mdl2 = fitrensemble(X,Y,...
loss2 = kfoldLoss(crossval(Mdl2,'kfold',10))
Mdl3 = fitrensemble(X,Y);
loss3 = kfoldLoss(crossval(Mdl3,'kfold',10))

% For a different way of optimizing this ensemble, see
% <docid:stats_ug.bu_rbq9-5>.