www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/PlotPosteriorProbabilityContoursForMultipleClassesUsingSExample.m

    %% Plot Posterior Probability Contours for Multiple Classes Using SVM
% This example steps through the process of one-versus-all (OVA)
% classification to train a multiclass SVM classifier, and then plots
% probability contours for each class.  To implement OVA directly, see
% <docid:stats_ug.bue3oc9 fitcecoc>.
% Load Fisher's iris data set. Use the petal lengths and widths. 

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
X = meas(:,3:4);
Y = species;
% Examine a scatter plot of the data.
title('{\bf Scatter Diagram of Iris Measurements}');
xlabel('Petal length');
ylabel('Petal width');
axis tight
% Train three binary SVM classifiers that separate each type of iris from
% the others.  Assume that a radial basis function is an appropriate kernel
% for each, and allow the algorithm to choose a kernel scale. It is good
% practice to define the class order.
classNames = {'setosa'; 'virginica'; 'versicolor'};
numClasses = size(classNames,1);
inds = cell(3,1); % Preallocation
SVMModel = cell(3,1);

rng(1); % For reproducibility
for j = 1:numClasses
    inds{j} = strcmp(Y,classNames{j});  % OVA classification
    SVMModel{j} = fitcsvm(X,inds{j},'ClassNames',[false true],...
% |fitcsvm| uses a heuristic procedure that involves subsampling to compute
% the value of the kernel scale.
% Fit the optimal score-to-posterior-probability transformation function
% for each classifier.
for j = 1:numClasses
    SVMModel{j} = fitPosterior(SVMModel{j});
% Define a grid to plot the posterior probability contours.  Estimate the
% posterior probabilities over the grid for each classifier.
d = 0.02;
[x1Grid,x2Grid] = meshgrid(min(X(:,1)):d:max(X(:,1)),...
xGrid = [x1Grid(:),x2Grid(:)];

posterior = cell(3,1); 
for j = 1:numClasses
    [~,posterior{j}] = predict(SVMModel{j},xGrid);
% For each SVM classifier, plot the posterior probability contour under the
% scatter plot of the data.

h = zeros(numClasses + 1,1); % Preallocation for graphics handles
for j = 1:numClasses
hold on
h(1:numClasses) = gscatter(X(:,1),X(:,2),Y);
title(sprintf('Posteriors for %s Class',classNames{j}));
xlabel('Petal length');
ylabel('Petal width');
legend off
axis tight
hold off
h(numClasses + 1) = colorbar('Location','EastOutside',...
set(get(h(numClasses + 1),'YLabel'),'String','Posterior','FontSize',16);