www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/PlotPosteriorProbabilityRegionsForSVMClassifiersExample.m

    %% Plot Posterior Probability Regions for SVM Classification Models
% This example shows how to predict posterior probabilities of SVM models
% over a grid of observations, and then plot the posterior probabilities
% over the grid.  Plotting posterior probabilities exposes decision 
% boundaries.
% Load Fisher's iris data set. Train the classifier using the petal lengths
% and widths, and remove the virginica species from the data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
classKeep = ~strcmp(species,'virginica');
X = meas(classKeep,3:4);
y = species(classKeep);
% Train an SVM classifier using the data.  It is good practice to specify
% the order of the classes.
SVMModel = fitcsvm(X,y,'ClassNames',{'setosa','versicolor'});
% Estimate the optimal score transformation function.
rng(1); % For reproducibility
[SVMModel,ScoreParameters] = fitPosterior(SVMModel); 
% The optimal score transformation function is the step function because
% the classes are separable.  The fields |LowerBound| and |UpperBound| of
% |ScoreParameters| indicate the lower and upper end points of the interval
% of scores corresponding to observations within the class-separating
% hyperplanes (the margin). No training observation falls within the
% margin.  If a new score is in the interval, then the software assigns the
% corresonding observation a positive class posterior probability, i.e.,
% the value in the |PositiveClassProbability| field of |ScoreParameters|.
% Define a grid of values in the observed predictor space. Predict the
% posterior probabilities for each instance in the grid.
xMax = max(X);
xMin = min(X);
d = 0.01;
[x1Grid,x2Grid] = meshgrid(xMin(1):d:xMax(1),xMin(2):d:xMax(2));

[~,PosteriorRegion] = predict(SVMModel,[x1Grid(:),x2Grid(:)]);
% Plot the positive class posterior probability region and the training
% data.
h = colorbar;
h.Label.String = 'P({\it{versicolor}})';
h.YLabel.FontSize = 16;
caxis([0 1]);
colormap jet;

hold on
sv = X(SVMModel.IsSupportVector,:);
axis tight
hold off

% In two-class learning, if the classes are separable, then there are three
% regions: one where observations have positive class posterior probability
% |0|, one where it is |1|, and the other where it is the postiive
% class prior probability.