www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/PlotTrajectoriesOfABattedBaseballExample.m

    %% Plot Trajectories of a Batted Baseball Using refcurve
% Introduce the relevant physical constants.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

M = 0.145;      % Mass (kg)
R = 0.0366;     % Radius (m)
A = pi*R^2;     % Area (m^2)
rho = 1.2;      % Density of air (kg/m^3)
C = 0.5;        % Drag coefficient
D = rho*C*A/2;  % Drag proportional to the square of the speed
g = 9.8;        % Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
% Simulate the trajectory with drag proportional to the square of the
% speed, assuming constant acceleration in each time interval.
dt = 1e-2;      % Simulation time interval (s)
r0 = [0 1];     % Initial position (m)
s0 = 50;        % Initial speed (m/s)
alpha0 = 35;    % Initial angle (deg)
v0 = s0*[cosd(alpha0) sind(alpha0)]; % Initial velocity (m/s)

r = r0;
v = v0;
trajectory = r0;
while r(2) > 0
    a = [0 -g] - (D/M)*norm(v)*v;
    v = v + a*dt;
    r = r + v*dt + (1/2)*a*(dt^2);
    trajectory = [trajectory;r];
% Plot trajectory and use refcurve to add the drag-free parabolic
% trajectory (found analytically) to the plot of trajectory.
h = refcurve([-g/(2*v0(1)^2),...
    (g*r0(1)/v0(1)^2) + (v0(2)/v0(1)),...
    (-g*r0(1)^2/(2*v0(1)^2)) - (v0(2)*r0(1)/v0(1)) + r0(2)]);
h.Color = 'c';
h.LineWidth = 2;
axis equal
grid on
xlabel('Distance (m)')
ylabel('Height (m)')
title('{\bf Baseball Trajectories}')
legend('With Drag','Without Drag')